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Alyssa jumped fairly further into the Tardis to see the Doctor and Martha standing near the Tardis console. The Doctor sonicing the phone as he walked away from Martha not noticing Alyssa yet. 
“Right, there we go. Universal roaming. Never have to worry about a signal again.” He said before he threw the phone to Martha, 
“No way. This is too mad. You're telling me I can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time on my mobile?”
“Well you need to know the Area code,” Alyssa said, making the two jump. before the Doctor smiled and ran over to her, kissing her cheek, making Alyssa blink in shock,
“Ah I was wondering when you were going to pop in, when did you just come from?” 
“The ninth version of you, Rose had saved her dad,” Alyssa said, 
“How’s your head?”He asked taking her hand, 
“Better of course. Stopped hurting when I reappeared,” 
“I don’t wish to interrupt but I can really call anyone in the universe?” Martha asked,
“Yes, again as you know the area code, it's a frequent flyer’s privilege, go on and try it.”  Alyssa said, as she grabbed the scanner to look at it, 
“Doc.” She muttered,
“Yes?” The Doctor said, 
“There’s a distress signal.” right before the Tardis jittered, and he looked at the scanner and used 
“Locking on. Might be a bit of.” The Doctor said, as he and Alyssa piloted the Tardis. Right before the three got knocked to the floor. Alyssa letting out a laugh
“Didn’t get to finish that sentence did you dear.” Alyssa said, 
“Turbulence. Sorry.” He said getting up, “Come on, Martha. Let's take a look.” before he ran out the two following him 
“Distress signal transmitted.” a computer voice said, as hot air enveloped them, 
“Whoa, now that is hot.” The Doctor said, 
“Automated distress signal transmitted.” The Computer voice said, 
“Whuff, it's like a sauna in here.” Martha said, as she exited the Tardis. 
“Venting systems. Working at full pelt, trying to cool down. Wherever it is we are. Well, if you can't stand the heat” The Doctor said, as he looked at machinery. Before he walked towards a bulkhead door and opened it, 
“Oi, you three!” A young man yelled as a group of people ran towards them,  
“Get out of there!” a woman said, as some of the people ran past them as the three exited the room. 
“Seal that door, now!” the young man said, as they closed the door. 
“Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?” the woman said, looking at the three of them. 
“Are you police?” The young man said, 
“Why would we be police?” The Doctor asked, 
“We got your distress signal.” Alyssa muttered, and Martha nodded, 
“If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines?” The Doctor said, 
“It went dead four minutes ago.” the woman said,
“What caused it to go dead?” Alyssa asked, frowning as she racked her head for whether or not this was an episode. 
“So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering. Captain.” The other man said, 
“Secure closure active.” The Computer voice said,
“Secure closure?” Alyssa muttered looking around, 
“What?” The captain said, 
“The ship's gone mad.” The other man said, as a woman came through a bulkhead door slamming shut behind her, 
“Who activated secure closure? I nearly got locked in to area twenty seven.” She said, as the bulkhead slammed shut behind her, before she looked at the Doctor, Alyssa and Martha, “Who are you?” 
“He's the Doctor, that’s Alyssa and I'm Martha. Hello.” Martha said, before she walked past the group,
“Sorry that was not how we wanted to introduce ourselves.” 
“Impact projection forty two minutes twenty seven seconds.” The computer said,
“Impact? What would you be impacting into?” Alyssa said,  
“We'll get out of this. I promise.” The captain said, as Martha looked out a window, 
“Doctor, Alyssa” Martha said, and Alyssa pushed past the group. She joined Martha and looked out the window and she paled. 
“Forty two minutes until what?” The Doctor asked,
“Doctor!” Alyssa yelled, and that caused him to finally join the two by the window, “Look.” She said, 
“Forty two minutes until we crash into the sun.” the captain said, and the Doctor ran back to the captain and grabbed her arms. 
“How many crew members on board?” He asekd, 
“Seven, including us.” The captain said, 
“We transport cargo across the galaxy. Everything's automated. We just keep the ship spaceworthy.” the older man said, 
“Call the others, I'll get you out.” The Doctor said, as he started opening the door to where the Tardis was.
“Doctor don’t!” Alyssa yelled, 
“What's he doing?” The younger man asked, 
“No, don't!” the captain yelled, as the Doctor finally got the door open only to be blasted back due to heat. Alyssa instantly rushed over and grabbed his arm. As the others closed the door. A
“But my ship's in there!” The Doctor said, 
“In the vent chamber?” The young man said, 
“It's our lifeboat.” The Doctor said, 
“It's lava.” The Older man said, as the woman walked over to see the temperature, 
“The temperature's going mad in there. Up three thousand degrees in ten seconds, and still rising.” The woman said, 
“Channelling the air. The closer we get to the sun, the hotter that room's going to get.” The young man said, 
“We're stuck here.” Martha said,  
“So, we fix the engines, we steer the ship away from the sun. Simple. Engineering down here, is it?” The Doctor said, before he ran down a hall, Alyssa following quickly behind, 
“Yes.” the captain said, 
“Impact in forty twenty six.” The computer voice said, 
“Blimey, do you always leave things in such a mess?” The Doctor said
“Being rude again.” Alyssa said, as they looked at the engine that was a complete mess. like someone purposely destroyed it. 
“Oh, my God.” the captain said, 
“What the hell happened?” the older man said, 
“Oh, it's wrecked.” the young man said, 
“Pretty efficiently too. Someone knew what they were doing.” The Doctor said, as Alyssa started investigating the engine. 
“Where's Korwin? Has anyone heard from him or Ashton?” the captain said, 
“No.” The older man said, 
“You mean someone did this on purpose?” Martha said, walking over to the Doctor, 
“It's looking like it Alyssa as she brought out her sonic pen and started scanning the engine. As the Doctor looked at a monitor. 
“Korwin, Ashton? Where are you? Korwin, can you answer? Where the hell is he? He should be up here.” the captain said, 
“Oh, we're in the Torajii system. Lovely. You're a long way from home, Martha. Half a universe away.” The Doctor said, 
“Yeah. Feels it.” Martha said, as the Doctor walked over to the captain said,
“And you're still using energy scoops for fusion? Hasn't that been outlawed yet?” The Doctor said, 
“We're due to upgrade next docking. Scannell, engine report.” The captain said, partially avoiding the subject. As Scannell went to the monitor and tried to get the status of the engine.
“No response.” Scannell said, 
“What?” The captain said, as Scannell walked over and looked at the Engine. 
“They're burnt out. The controls are wrecked. I can't get them back online.”
“Wrecked yes impossible to fix? No.” Alyssa muttered, but the group ignored her, 
“Oh, come on. Auxiliary engines. Every craft's got auxiliaries.” The Doctor said, 
“We don't have access from here. The auxiliary controls are in the front of the ship.” the captain said,
“Yeah, with twenty nine password sealed doors between us and them. You'll never get there in time.” Scannell said, 
“Can't you override the doors?” Martha said, 
“No. Sealed closure means what it says. They're all dead-lock sealed.” Scannell said, 
“So a sonic screwdriver's no use.” The Doctor said, 
“Nothing's any use. We've got no engines, no time, and no chance.” Scannell said, 
“Are you guys really giving up before you even started?” Alyssa muttered standing up and walking over to the Doctor, 
“Alyssa’s right defeated before you've even started. Where's your Dunkirk spirit? Who's got the door passwords?” The Doctor said, 
“They're randomly generated. Reckon I know most of them. Sorry. Riley Vashti.” Riley said, 
“Then what're you waiting for, Riley Vashti? Get on it.” The Doctor said, 
“Well, it's a two person job. One, a technish for the questions, and the other to carry this.” Riley said as he grabbed two bags from above him “The oldest and cheapest security system around, eh, Captain?” Riley said, 
“Reliable and simple, just like you, eh, Riley?” The captain said, 
“Try and be helpful, get abuse. Nice.” Riley said, 
“I'll help you. Make myself useful.” Martha said, grabbing one of the bags from Riley, 
“It's remotely controlled by the computer panel. That's why it needs two.” Riley said, as the two started to walk off
“Martha” Alyssa called out, and Martha turned around, “Be careful,” 
“You too.” Martha said, 
“McDonnell. It's Ashton.” Ashton called over the intercoms, 
“Where are you? Is Korwin with you?” McDonnell said, 
“Get up to the med-centre now!” Ashton said, before the three ran off and past Martha and Riley. 
“Impact in thirty four thirty one.” The Computer said, 
    The three rushed into the med center to see a man and a woman trying to get a man on a bed to stop struggling, 
“Korwin! What's happened? Is he okay?” McDonnell said, as she rushed over, 
“Help me! It's burning me!” Korwin yelled, and the Doctor and Alyssa rushed over, 
“How long's he been like this?” The Doctor asked, 
“Ashton just brought him in.” the woman said, as the Doctor brought out his sonic screwdriver and started scanning Korwin. 
“ What are you doing?” McDonnell said, 
“Don't get too close.” the Doctor said, 
“Don't be so stupid. That's my husband.” McDonnell said, before McDonnell half got on the bed and grabbed Korwin’s hand, 
“And he's just sabotaged our ship.” Ashton said, 
“What?” McDonnell said, 
“He went mad. He put the ship onto secure closure, then he set the heat pulse to melt the controls.” Ashton said, 
“No way. He wouldn't do that.” McDonnell said, 
“I saw it happen, Captain.” Ashton said, 
“Korwin? Korwin, open your eyes for me a second.” The Doctor said, 
“I can't!” Korwin said, 
“Yeah, course you can. Go on.” Alyssa said, 
“Don't make me look at you, please.” Korwin said, before Alyssa walked over and picked up a medicinal gun on the table. 
“All right, all right, all right. Just relax.” The Doctor said, and took the gun Alyssa held out to him “Sedative?” 
“Yes.” the woman said, and the Doctor injected Korwin and he fell back unconscious. 
“What's wrong with him?” McDonnell said, 
“Rising body temperature, unusual energy readings.” Alyssa said, before the Doctor saw the machine they were trying to get him into. 
“Stasis chamber. I do love a good stasis chamber. Keep him sedated in there. Regulate the body temperature. And, just for fun, run a bioscan and tissue profile on a metabolic detail.” The Doctor said, 
“Just doing them now.” the woman said, 
“Oh, you're good. Anyone else presenting these symptoms?” Alyssa said, 
“Not so far.” The woman said, 
“Well, that's something.” the Doctor said, 
“Will someone tell me what is the matter with him?” McDonnell said, 
“Some sort of infection. We'll know more after the test results. Now, allons-y, back downstairs. Hey. See about those engines. Go.” The Doctor said, and Ashton left the Med bay, but McDonnell stayed looking at Korwin, “Hey. Go.” The Doctor finished, and McDonnell followed Ashton out. Before Alyssa and the Doctor also turned to leave.
“Call us if there's news. Any questions?” Alyssa said, as they left the room 
“Yeah. Who are you?” the woman asked, and both the Doctor and Alyssa popped their head in for a second. 
“I'm the Doctor.” The Doctor said, 
“I’m Alyssa.” Alyssa said, before the two of them left, 
“Heat shield failing. At twenty-five percent. Impact in thirty two fifty” The computer voice said, 

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