The Time of Angels

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Alyssa landed in the Tardis the exact position she left the tenth doctor, she was taken into a hug as soon she landed.

"Hey Doc," She said, laughing as the Eleventh Doctor hugged her.

"Where did you just come from?" he asked,

"Messaline and 1926 England." Alyssa said, and the Doctor's face fell a bit

"you just regenerated." The Doctor said, Alyssa nodded and turned to Amy who was staring at her with confusion

"Who are you?" Amy said, but Alyssa just smiled at her,

"It's me Alyssa, and before you get more confused, me and the Doctor has a way of cheating death," Alyssa said, Amy just looked more confused as she stared at the new girl, that the doctor obviously knew. "I got shot, and in order to keep myself alive, I changed everything about myself, my face, my body and even my voice. But I promise you I'm Alyssa."

"Yeah, I got that bit," Amy said, before walking over to her and taking her into a hug and continued

"I knew it was you when you appeared in a flash of golden light." Amy said, Alyssa smiled and pulled away "I'm gonna go change out of this dress and then we can go on another adventure." She said, before walking down to the wardrobe. she changed out of the light pink dress and into a normal outfit, a blue top, and normal jeans, and a new jacket which she had managed to stuff everything the Doctor gave her. She then strapped her gun to her hip. She smiled at her new look and left the Wardrobe

She then walked back to the console room and already saw the Doctor was running around the Tardis piloting it. He came to a stop in front of her and said, "Want to go to a Museum." Amy who was watching them said, "Doctor you promised me a planet." but the Doctor ignored her and piloted the Tardis to a Museum.

They soon got to the museum and started going through it. Amy following along a bit annoyed.

"Wrong. Wrong. Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums." The Doctor said as he walked around the museum looking at everything. Alyssa taking interest in everything,

"Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big Spaceship? Churchill's bunker? You promised me a planet next." Amy said,

"Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, the final resting place of the headless monks. The biggest museum ever." The Doctor said as he looked at everything in glass boxes

"You've got a time machine. What do you need museums for?"

"It's how he keeps score, Amy." Alyssa said, making Amy laugh,

"Wrong. Very wrong. Ooo, one of mine. Also one of mine." The Doctor said, before taking great interest in a glass case that had a box in. Alyssa looked at it with great interest as well, because of the words on the top of it.

"Oh great, an old box," Amy said,

"It's from one of the old starliners. A Home Box." The Doctor said,

"What's a Home Box?" Amy asked,

"Like a black box on a plane, except it homes. Anything happens to the ship, the Home Box flies home with all the flight data."


"The writing, the graffiti. Old High Gallifreyan. The lost language of the Time Lords." the Doctor said, "There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods."

"What does it say?" Amy asked, and the Doctor was about to answer only for him to be cut off when Alyssa said: " Hello, sweeties." shocking both herself and the Doctor. The Doctor looked through his jacket for his Sonic Screwdriver, but Alyssa immediately took out her gun and shot the case grabbing the box as it shattered. Alarms shattered as the group ran back to the Tardis. As soon as they got into the Tardis. Alyssa threw the box to the Doctor who immediately started connecting it to the Tardis

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