The Christmas Invasion

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"6 PM... Tuesday..." the Doctor said as he dashed to the console piloting it to: "October... 5006... On the way to Barcelona!" he finished before he turned around and looked at Alyssa, "Now then... what do I look like?" Alyssa opened her mouth to say something before the Doctor held up a hand to her. "No, no no, no no no no no no no. No. Don't tell me." he said, before he started investigating his body. "Let's see... two legs, two arms, two hands..." he circled one of his wrists, "Slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle." he said before his hands flew up to his hair, "Hair! I'm not bald!" as he rubbed his hands through his hair. "Oh, Oh! Big hair!" he said, before he felt his sideburns, "Sideburns, I've got sideburns! Or really bad skin. Little bit thinner..." he said, slapping his stomach "That's weird. Give me time, I'll get used to it." before he suddenly stopped
"I... have got... a mole. I can feel it." he said, as he started rotating his shoulders. "Between my shoulder blades, there's a mole."
"Is the mole bad Doctor?" Alyssa muttered 
"No, It's alright love the mole. Go on then, tell me." The Doctor turned to Alyssa and finally stopped talking. 
"Oh you're actually going to allow me to talk now?" Alyssa said, crossing her arms.
"Yes. what do you think?" 
"Handsome as always." Alyssa said, before she stomped over to him, and raised her arm hitting him in the chest "Don't" she hit his chest again " ever send" hit, "me" Hit, "away" she hit him once more "again!" She yelled finally the Doctor grabbed her arm stopping her from hitting him again 
"I said I was sorry" The Doctor said, 
"You sent me away from you! while you were facing down an entire Dalek Fleet!" Alyssa yelled 
"And you saved me, like you always do" The Doctor said, smiling at her, 
"Yeah and Don't you forget that!" Alyssa yelled, taking her arm from his grip and crossing her arms. 
"I will agree that it was extremely foolish of me to send you away... It was even more foolish to take the time vortex into your head." the Doctor said,  and Alyssa looked down at the ground
"I thought I would've been able to let it go, I had every intention of letting the vortex go once I saved you and brought Jack back. It just went a bit wrong." Alyssa admitted, 
"Yeah it went a bit wrong." the Doctor said,
"I never meant for you to regenerate to save me." Alyssa said, 
"That was my choice Alyssa, I was happy to do it." The Doctor said, 
"But why..." Alyssa asked, looking up at him "Why would you do it, save my life at the cost of your own?" she felt like a hypocrite saying it, due to the event she was going to. But a couple hours ago he had said there was a deep part of him that didn't trust her. So she had no clue why he would just save her. 
"I..." he started before he doubled over in pain 
"Doctor!" Alyssa yelled rushing forward and grabbed his arm. "What's wrong?" 
"I..." he tried again, before he opened his mouth and let out a retching noise. 
"Doctor?" Alyssa questioned, as the Doctor opened his mouth and a bit of golden energy flew out of it.
"Uh oh. The change is going a bit wrong." The Doctor admitted,
"Okay delay Barcelona, we are going back to earth." Alyssa said, walking over to the console. And started piloting the Tardis back to earth,
"Ooo I know the perfect time." The Doctor said, walking over to and typing in the coordinates. "Christmas Eve!" he said in glee 
"Doctor don't" Alyssa warned, as the Doctor looked at a lever. "Please don't" She finished taking a step towards him
"Haven't used this one in years."the Doctor said, before he flipped it, and the Tardis shuddered violently, the two of them almost being knocked off their feet. 
"Doctor no!" Alyssa yelled, 
"What's wrong with a little bit of speed?" The Doctor said, as he started turning more knobs. "My beautiful ship! Come on, faster! That's a girl!"  As Alyssa started to look at the Doctor frightened, "Faster! Wanna to break the time limit?!" 
"No! I don't wanna break the time limit. Just let me!" Alyssa yelled, trying to get the Tardis back to normal speed
"Ah, don't be so dull... let's have a bit of fun! Let's rip through that vortex!" The Doctor said, turning to Alyssa, and seeing the fear in her eyes. Which somehow calmed him,  "The regeneration's going wrong. I can't stop myself." He said before he grimaced in pain "Ah, my head..." Alyssa moved to help him before he springed up again "Faster! Let's open those engines!" The Doctor said, before a bell in the Tardis rung. 
"Doctor please we are going to crash land!" Alyssa yelled, but The Doctor just looked at her in delight, 
"We're gonna crash land!" The Doctor yelled in delight, before laughing, as Alyssa tried getting the Tardis back in order, 
"Too late! Out of control!" The Doctor said, seeing what Alyssa was trying to do. As he ran around the console giggling, "Oh, I love it! Hot dawg!" As he jumped up and down. 
"You are absolutely mad!" Alyssa yelled, as she gave up on controlling the tardis. And grabbed the console. 
"Hold on tight, here we go!" The Doctor yelled, before the Tardis landed and the Doctor ran out the doors. Where Rose, Mickey and Jackie were waiting. 
" Here we are then, London. Earth. The Solar System. We did it. Jackie. Mickey. Rose.   Blimey! No, no, no, no, hold on." The Doctor said throwing his arms around Rose and Jackie. "Wait there. I've got something to say. There was something I had to tell you, something important. What was it? No, hold on, hold on. Hold on, shush, shush, shush, shush. Oh, I know! Merry Christmas!" The Doctor finished before he collapsed as Alyssa stepped out of the Tardis. Alyssa rushed forward as he did to grab his arm. 
"What happened? Is he all right?" Rose asked, 
"he just keeled over. But who is he? Where's the Doctor?" Mickey asked, as Alyssa brought out her sonic pen and started scanning him. 
"That's the Doctor. Right in front of you." Alyssa said, and Rose realized what had happened. 
"What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?" Jackie said,
"Just the Doctor Jackie." Alyssa muttered, "Help me, we need to get him inside" Alyssa said, looking up at Rose who nodded, and helped her get the Doctor inside her flat 
    The Doctor was asleep on a bed wearing pajamas that Jackie had. Alyssa sat by him in a chair staring at him.
"So he regenerated what exactly happened?" Rose asked, standing at the door with Jackie. 
"I went back, saved his life, killed the Daleks. But when it came down to it I couldn't let go of the Time Vortex. It would've killed me, but the Doctor being the Doctor took it out of me. I didn't die but it did enough damage to him to cause him to regenerate." Alyssa said, 
"Did you tell him at least?"
"Tell him what?" Alyssa asked,
"That you love him." Rose said, 
"No, I didn't have a good time to do so." Alyssa admitted, as she started digging through her pockets and brought out  her Stethoscope. She stood up putting the earpieces in her ears and listened to one of the Doctor's hearts which she heard beating. She moved to the other side smiling as she heard the other heart beating too.
"Both working." She muttered, 
"What do you mean, both?" Jackie asked, 
"he's got two hearts." Rose answered, 
"Oh, don't be stupid." Jackie said, 
"We do." Alyssa said, as she started towards the door. 
"Anything else you two got two of?" J ackie asked, looking at the Doctor. 
"Leave him alone." Rose snapped, as she followed Alyssa out of the room. Jackie following the two.
"He just needs some rest, that's it." Alyssa said, as she walked into the kitchen and started looking through the cabinets as she swore there was something extra he needed. She just couldn't put her finger on it. 
"So he changed his face like you did?" Jackie asked, "Is he a different person? Or the same person with a different face?" 
"Same person with different face and personality." Alyssa answered. 
"Is that Harriet Jones?" Rose said, as she looked at the TV. Alyssa whipped around followed  Rose to the living room and saw her on the Television "Why's she on the telly?" 
"She's Prime Minister now. I'm eighteen quid a week better off. They're calling it Britain's Golden Age. I keep on saying my Rose has met her." 
"Did more than that. Stopped World War Three with her. Harriet Jones." Rose said, 
"Prime Minister, what about those calling the Guinevere One Space Probe a waste of money?" A man on the TV said asking Harriet a question.
"Now, that's where you're wrong. I completely disagree if you don't mind. The Guinevere One Space Probe represents this country's limitless ambition. British workmanship sailing up there among the stars." Harriet said, 
"This is the spirit of Christmas, birth and rejoicing, and the dawn of a new age, and that is what we're achieving fifteen million miles away. Our very own miracle." Another man said, 
"The unmanned probe Guinevere One is about to make its final descent. Photographs of the Martian Landscape should be received by midnight tonight." a narrator said, 
    Later Alyssa sat next to the Doctor as he slept. She reached over and took his hand
"I really made a mess of things, didn't I." Alyssa muttered, "I really thought I would be able to let go of it... Like you did... but of course things with me are never quite that simple." she said, before she let go of his hand and ran a hand down her face. As she tried to remember whether or not this was an episode. "You can yell at me later for doing this to you but please. Please wake up." and that's how Alyssa fell asleep by his side. 
"Get out! Go, go! Get out!" she heard Mickey yell and she woke up and looked around as Rose burst into the room. 
"We've got to save the Doctor and Alyssa." Rose said,
"What's going on?" Alyssa asked, around the same time Jackie yelled "What're you doing?
"We can't just leave them!" Rose said, 
"Will someone please tell me what's going on!" Alyssa yelled. As she saw the panic on Rose's face.
"Mickey!" Rose yelled as she tried to get the Doctor up. Alyssa stood up and rushed to the door and looked out to see a green Christmas tree spinning towards them, and her eyes went wide. She turned around and rushed to Rose's side as she started helping her get him up. Mickey rushing after a few seconds. 
"No, leave him. Just leave him!" Jackie yelled, 
"Get in here!" Mickey yelled, and Jackie rushed into the room. She and Mickey slid a wardrobe in front of the door. Alyssa gave up trying to lift the Doctor out of the bed. Before she looked back at the door and back at him.
"You have to be kidding." Alyssa muttered as she brought out her sonic and got up and took a few steps forward right when the tree burst into the room cutting through the door and the wardrobe. Alyssa being knocked back as pieces of wood flew into her. She fell to the floor before she quickly got up. As Rose grabbed the Sonic Screwdriver before pushing it into the Doctor's hand "Rose don't!' Alyssa muttered as she saw what she was doing as she got up and backed away from the tree. 
"Help me." Rose said into his ear. Which caused him to sit up suddenly and use the sonic. Causing the tree to explode, 
"Remote control. But who's controlling it?" The Doctor said, as he got up grabbed Alyssa's hand and a robe as he pulled Alyssa out of the flat before he put on the robe. They peered down at the street below the flat and saw three santa robots one holding a remote control. 
"That's them. What are they?" Mickey asked, 
"Santa robots." Alyssa answered, as the Doctor rose his Sonic towards the robots and they started backing away before a blue life engulfed them and they were beamed away. 
"They've just gone. What kind of rubbish were they? I mean, no offence, but they're not much cop if a sonic screwdriver's going to scare them off."
"They weren't the real threat." Alyssa said, 
"Pilot fish." The Doctor agreed, 
"What?" Rose asked,
"They were just pilot fish." before the Doctor fell backwards into a wall and slid to the ground in pain Alyssa grabbing his arm. 
"What's wrong?"
"You woke him up too soon." Alyssa said, rubbing the Doctor's arm, 
"I'm still regenerating. I'm bursting with energy." the Doctor said, before he exhaled some golden dust. "You see? The pilot fish could smell it a million miles away. So they eliminate the defence, that's you lot, and they carry me off. They could run their batteries on me for a couple of!" The Doctor said before he let out a yell of pain and stood up only to fall into the wall in front of them, Alyssa going with him as she grabbed his arm. 
" Oh! Oh! Oh!" Jackie said, as she grabbed him toom
"My head! I'm having a neuron implosion. I need" The Doctor started, 
"What do you need?" Jackie interrupted, 
"I need" The Doctor said, struggling to get the rest out. 
"Say it. Tell me, tell me, tell me." Jackie said, 
"I need" The Doctor started again, 
"Painkillers?" Jackie asked
"I need" The Doctor started, only to be interrupted again. 
"Do you need aspirin?" Jackie asked,
"Not aspirin, we're allergic to aspirin." Alyssa said, as the Doctor clutched her arm. 
"I need" The Doctor said, then 
"Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I don't know, Pepto-Bismol?" Jackie said,
"Do you really think naming off medicine is going to help?" Alyssa said, 
"Well I don't know! Doctor what do you need?" Jackie said, 
"I need" The Doctor started again. 
"Liquid paraffin. Vitamin C? Vitamin D? Vitamin E?" Jackie said,
"And here we go again." Alyssa muttered, 
"I need" The Doctor said again, 
"Is it food? Something simple. Bowl of soup. A nice bowl of soup? Soup and a sandwich? Soup and a little ham sandwich?" Jackie said, 
"He needs you to shut up!" Alyssa said, at the same time the Doctor said, "I need you to shut up." 
"Oh, he hasn't changed that much, has he?" Jackie said, as the Doctor looked and fell forward to the wall again, the four rushing too him. 
"We haven't got much time. If there's pilot fish, then." The Doctor started before he brought out an apple. "Why's there an apple in my dressing gown?" he asked looking back at Jackie. 
"Oh, that's Howard. Sorry." Jackie said, 
"He keeps apples in his dressing gown?" The Doctor said, 
"He gets hungry." Jackie said, 
"What, he gets hungry in his sleep?" The Doctor said, 
"Sometimes." Jackie said, before he let out a gasp of pain and fell to the floor. before Alyssa grabbed his arms once more. This time the Doctor also grabbed Alyssa's hand.
"Doctor, dear we need to focus." Alyssa said, finally bringing the Doctor's attention back to her 
"I wanted to tell you something earlier..." He said, about to continue
"It can wait," Alyssa muttered, as his hand grabbed hers. 
"No it can't..." He started before he let out a noise of pain "Brain collapsing. The pilot fish. The pilot fish mean that something, something." 
"Something is coming." Alyssa said, "I know I can handle it. You just rest, let your body repair itself." causing the Doctor to smile a little bit.
"My beautiful Clever Alyssa." he said, before he passed out. 
    The group put the Doctor back in his bead before Alyssa, rubbed his forehead with a rag as she sat by him. She got up pressed a kiss to forehead and walked out. As Jackie, Mickey and Rose were in the living room.
"Any change?" Jackie asked, as she held out a mug to her, which Alyssa took with a smile. 
"He's worse. Just one heart beating." Alyssa muttered before she turned to Rose. "Couldn't let him rest like I said too?"
"We were about to be killed by a christmas tree." Rose defended
"I could've handled it!"
"You got knocked down!" 
"Yeah doesn't mean I couldn't have used my sonic pen! I was on the floor I wasn't unconscious. What is with you companions treating me like I'm useless! I am a time lady Rose. I can handle myself without the Doctor around. When I said I couldn't travel without him. I really meant I didn't want to, not that I actually couldn't do it! Now the Doctor is in worse condition because you couldn't trust me simply because I fell to the floor."
"Im sorry." Rose muttered
"I know." Alyssa said, before she turned to the TV
"Scientists in charge of Britain's mission to Mars have re-established contact with the Guinevere One space probe. They're expecting the first transmission from the planet's surface in the next few minutes." A man said on the TV. 
"Yes, we are. We're, we're back on schedule. We've received the signal from Guinevere One. The Mars landing would seem to be an unqualified success." Another man said, 
"But is it true that you completely lost contact earlier tonight?" The man said, 
"Yes, we had a bit of a scare. Guinevere seemed to fall off the scope, but it, it was just a blip. Only disappeared for a few seconds. She is fine now, absolutely fine. We're getting the first pictures transmitted live any minute now. I'd better get back to it, thanks." The man said, before he walked off the TV.
"So what are pilot fish?" Rose asked,
"Scavenger fish, they are usually harmless, they are tiny, but they always swim along the bigger fish." Alyssa said, 
"Do you mean like sharks?" Rose asked,
"Yes, we had pilot fish now something else is coming," Alyssa said, 
"How close?" Rose asked,
"I don't know but it should be close. That's why I'm watching the news, something bound to pop up." Alyssa admitted, as the TV system staticed and a picture of something rock like flashed on the screen. 
"Funny sort of rocks." Jackie said, 
"The first photographs" A newsreader said, 
"That's not rocks" Rose and Alyssa said together, before they went closer to the screen. before the picture moved and an Alien roared at the screen. causing them to rear back. 
"This image is being transmitted via mission control, coming live from the depths of space on Christmas morning." the newsreader said, before the picture cleared up and an alien with red eyes growled at the screen. "The face of an alien life form was transmitted live tonight on BBC1." 
"And there's the bigger fish. Hey Mickey can you hack into the military? See if there's anything they are hiding" Alyssa said,
"On it." Mickey said, opening up his laptop. It took a couple minutes but soon Mickey did get into the Military showing Alyssa the screen "I've got access to the military. They're tracking a spaceship. It's big, it's fast, and it's coming this way." 
"Coming for what, though? The Doctor?" Rose asked, 
"No, something this big? No, it's coming for all of earth. The Doctor might just be a bonus." Alyssa said, as Mickey brought up a picture of more of the aliens. 
"Have you seen them before?
"No." Rose said, at the same time Alyssa said, "Yes." making both of them look at her, 
"What are they?" Mickey asked,
"They're called the Sycorax." Alyssa said, 
"Do you know what they want?"
"Earth. Most aliens who invade earth want Earth." Alyssa said, as they watched a video of the aliens play in a different language.
"I don't understand. I thought the Tardis is supposed to translate any language. why is it not translating?" Rose said looking at Alyssa
"The translation circuit in the Tardis is psychically bound to the Doctor . If he is out, so is the translation circuit." Alyssa explained, 
"Okay so do you know what they are saying?" Rose asked, 
"I do," She said before translating "Cattle  you belong to us. To the Sycorax. We own you. We now possess your land, your minerals, your precious stones. You will surrender or they will die. Sycorax strong, Sycorax mighty, Sycorax rock." Alyssa said, 
"They will die? Who will?" Rose asked, as Alyssa started racking her brain for whatever this episode was. 
    Alyssa and Rose stood at the door to where the Doctor was, where Jackie had fallen asleep on his bedside. 
"The Doctor wouldn't do this. The old Doctor, the proper Doctor, he'd wake up. He'd save us." Rose muttered, 
"Im still here Rose." Alyssa said, 
"yeah but here you are Alyssa, not doing anything you want me to start trusting that you'll save us? Do something! with or without your foreknowledge." 
"You do realize that right now there is really nothing I can do? The ship isn't here yet, it's on the way." Alyssa muttered, 
"Well when it gets here will you do something? Do you have a plan?" Rose asked, and Alyssa just looked down at the ground. "Like I thought." Rose finished, before looking back at the Doctor. 
    The next morning came and nothing new had appeared from the Sycorax. 
"What is wrong with you? Jason? Jason?" a woman's voice said from outside the flat, Alyssa and Rose got up and exited the flat, looking out  to see a man with a face null of emotion walking wit a blue forcefield around his head,, as a woman tried to stop him. 
"Sandra?" Rose said, 
"He won't listen. He's just walking. He won't stop walking! There's this sort of light thing." Sandra said, before she turned back to Jason and began following him. "Jason? Stop it right now! Please, Jason, just stop."  Sandra said,  and saw many people in the same condition. 
"Thats who they meant." Alyssa muttered,as the three followed the others to the roof and up to the ledge where they stopped. Alyssa finally realizing what episode it was, seeing all the people with the blue light made it clear. 
"What do we do?" Mickey asked, 
"Nothing. There's no one to save us. Not anymore." Rose said, 
"Rose I am still here. and I know what to do." Alyssa said, before Rose and Mickey looked at her, "you won't like the answer Rose, but right now we need to wait. the ship isn't here yet. and it's moving I won't be able to get the Tardis there." before she turned around and walked back down to the flat and turned on the TV. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may take a moment during this terrible time. It's hardly the Queen's speech. I'm afraid that's been cancelled. Did we ask about the royal family? Oh. They're on the roof." Sarah said, in an address to the country. "But, ladies and gentlemen, this crisis is unique, and I'm afraid to say, it might get much worse. I would ask you all to remain calm. But I have one request. Doctor and the golden angel, if you're out there, we need you. I don't know what to do. If you can hear me, Doctor Alyssa. If anyone knows the Doctor, Alyssa, if anyone can find them, the situation has never been more desperate. Help us. Please, Doctor, Alyssa.  Help us. God help us."
"Harriet you just need to wait, I promise I will help you." Alyssa said, "but I'm not leaving his side not yet." before looking back at the room the Doctor was in. Right before all the glass around them shattered, 
"What was that?" Rose yelled
"The spaceship it's here." Alyssa said, before she rushed out of the flat and down by the Tardis before she looked up at the sky the ship flying across the sky. 
"you want me to do something Rose. We need to get the Doctor." Alyssa said, as she, Mickey, and Jackie had joined her before she rushed back to the Flat. starting to take the covers off of the Doctor. "Mickey, we're going to carry him. Jackie, get some Tea just tea Already brewed would be nice, thanks." Alyssa said, 
"Where to?" Mickey said as he rushed to help her. 
"Tardis." Alyssa said, 
"Why?" Rose asked, moving to help out.
"We are going to send a signal we are going to be brought to the Sycorax, and the Tea? Well that's for something else." Alyssa said, and Jackie rushed off as Mickey, Rose and Alyssa all got the Doctor up, and started carrying the Doctor to the Tardis. Jackie following with a thermos of tea. 
"So what now." Mickey asked,as they placed him on the grating.
"well I think it's time for a cup of tea don't you think?" Alyssa said, looking at Jackie.
"Aww yes." Jackie said, opening the thermos and handing  Mickey a cup. Giving the Thermos to Alyssa Alyssa smiling at her as she took it. 
"do you want some food? I can go get some sandwiches?"
"That'll be nice Jackie." Alyssa muttered, and Jackie left the Tardis.
"Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British. How does this thing work? If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered." 
"We haven't" Alyssa said, as she pushed some buttons and a beeping noise started "And now they will take us to them." 
"Into the spaceship?" 
"Why there?"
"Well I can't really talk to them face to face from here can I?" Alyssa said, before she waited a few minutes dropped the thermos of tea near the Doctor, letting it spill into the grating. She walked over to the door, before turning over to the others "You coming?" and the two others  rushed after hers. before the three stepped out onto the spaceships
"Oh hello!" Alyssa said, as she and the others were grabbed by a Sycorax "All grabby are we?" as the three were dragged forward. and to where Harriet was. 
"Oh Hello Harriet!" Alyssa said, as she shrugged the Sycorax's arm off of hers. and rushed forward to her.
"you got my message!" she said, as she hugged her
"Yes I did." Alyssa said
"Where's the Doctor?" Harriet said,
"might be a little late sorry." Alyssa said,
"The Red girl. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet." the leader of the Sycorax said, before Alyssa broke away from Harriet.
"Right Hello," She said in their language the man Harriet was translating as she spoke. "I would like to Parley with the Sycorax,"
"you speak our language, who are you?"
"Im an Alien, do you accept our Parley?" She asked, 
"According to the Shadow proclamation Article 57, destruction of a level 5 planet, is forbidden, when no laws have been broken, Earth is a level 5 planet no laws have been broken, and I would consider trying to sell a whole race of humans and reaping the soil of the Earth as destruction of a planet."  Alyssa said, and the Sycorax started laughing. 
"It would not,"
"Well do you want to put that to the test? not that I would allow you to put that to the test anyway."  Alyssa said, and the Sycrorax started laughing again. 
"You are very, very funny. And now you're going to die." the Sycorax said, 
"Leave her alone!" Harriet yelled out, 
"Don't touch her!" Mickey yelled, 
"Leave her alone." Rose yelled, as they were held back, 
"Did you think you were clever with your stolen words? We are the Sycorax, we stride the darkness. Next to us you are but a wailing child. If you are the best your planet can offer as a champion."
"they are not stolen words. and you know it. you just do not care. But I can do so much more then talk." 
"Enough!" He yelled, " your world will be gutted" the Sycorax leader said in English and Alyssa smiled, 
"your world will be gutted" the man with Harriet said, 
" And your people enslaved." the Sycorax said, 
"Hold on, that's English."  the man said, 
"He's talking English."  Harriet said, 
"You're talking English." Rose said, 
"I would never dirty my tongue with your primitive bile." The Sycorax said, 
"Im sure you wouldn't, but Im just one champion of Earth only one owner of the clever blue box, and well you asked for another one, I am more then happy to oblige." Alyssa said, raising her hand to the Tardis, as the Door opened and the Doctor smiled as he looked at them. 
"Did you miss me?" The Doctor said, the leader used his whip and tried to whip at the Doctor but the Doctor caught it and ripped it out of his hand. 
"You could have someone's eye out with that." The Doctor said, walking forward, 
"How dare!" the Sycorax leader said, raising a club to hit the Doctor but he quickly grabbed it and snapped it over his knee. 
"You just can't get the staff." before he let the pieces fall to the floor. "Now, you, just wait. I'm busy." before turning to the others, and walked over "Mickey, hello!" The Doctor said, turning to Harriet "And Harriet Jones MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it's like This Is Your Life." he said before he turned to Alyssa "Tea! That's all I needed, a good cup of tea! Superheated infusion of free radicals and tannin. Just the thing for healing the synapses." walking over to her,
"I knew I forgot something until I realized what it was. Tea, boiled leaves that can cure almost all." Alyssa said, making the Doctor smirk, 
"Now, Be honest, how do I look?" 
"Handsome, like always." 
"Am I ginger?" The Doctor said, 
"No, you're brown," 
"I wanted to be ginger. I've never been ginger." The Doctor said, before you looked at Rose, "And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were. You gave up on me and Alyssa. Oh, that's rude. That's the sort of man I am now, am I? Rude. Rude and not ginger." 
"I'm sorry. Who is this?" Harriet said
"The Doctor." Alyssa said, 
"I'm the Doctor." The Doctor said, 
"He's the Doctor." Rose said, 
"But what happened to my Doctor? Or is it a title that's just passed on?" Harriet said, 
"I'm him. I'm literally him. Same man, new face. Well, new everything." The Doctor said, as he walked up to Harriet, 
"But you can't be." Harriet said, 
"Harriet Jones, we were trapped in Downing Street and the one thing that scared you wasn't the aliens, it wasn't the war, it was the thought of your mother being on her own." The Doctor said, 
"Oh, my God." Harriet said, 
"Did you win the election?" The Doctor asked, 
"Landslide majority." Harriet said, 
"If I might interrupt." The Sycorax said, 
"Yes, sorry. Hello, big fellow." the Doctor said, walking over to the leader, 
"Who exactly are you?" The Sycorax leader asked 
"Well, that's the question." The Doctor said, 
"I demand to know who you are!" The leader yelled, 
"I don't know!" The Doctor yelled, "See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy?" The Doctor said, winking at Alyssa, causing heat to raise in her cheeks, as The Doctor walked around.  "Right old misery? Life and soul? Right handed? Left handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob." The Doctor said, before his eyes fell upon a button. "And how am I going to react when I see this, a great big threatening button." He rushed over to the button "A great big threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess. It's some sort of control matrix, hmm? Hold on, what's feeding it?" The Doctor said, before he opened up the control panel, "And what've we got here?" He said before he pressed his finger into a liquid, "Blood?" before he pressed the blood into his mouth, "Yeah, definitely blood. Human blood. A Positive, with just a dash of iron.  Ah, but that means blood control. Blood control! Oh, I haven't seen blood control for years. You're controlling all the A Positives. Which leaves us with a great big stinking problem. Because I really don't know who I am. I don't know when to stop. So if I see a great big threatening button which should never, ever, ever be pressed, then I just want to do this." The Doctor said, before he slammed his hand on it. 
"No!" Rose and Harriet yelled together, 
"You killed them!" The man with Harriet yelled, 
"What do you think, big fellow? Are they dead?" The Doctor asked, 
"We allow them to live." the Sycorax leader said,
"Allow? you really had no choice, that's all blood control is. A cheap bit of voodoo. Scares the pants off you, but that's as far as it goes. It's like hypnosis." Alyssa said, 
"You can hypnotise someone to walk like a chicken or sing like Elvis. You can't hypnotise them to death. Survival instinct's too strong." the Doctor added, 
"Blood control was just one form of conquest. I can summon the armada and take this world by force." The Sycorax leader said, 
"Well, yeah, you could, yeah, you could do that, of course you could. But why? Look at these people. These human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen. More to do than." The Doctor started, making Alyssa smirk
"That's Lion King Dear." Alyssa called out,
"Is it? yeah it was, But the point still stands. Leave them alone!" The Doctor said, 
"Or what?" The Sycorax leader said, 
"Or" The Doctor started before he grabbed a sword and rushed back to the Tardis. "I challenge you." And all the Sycorax laughed, 
"Oh, that struck a chord. Am I right that the sanctified rules of combat still apply?" The Doctor said, 
"You stand as this world's other champion?" the Sycorax said, 
"Thank you. I've no idea who I am, but you just summed me up." the Doctor said, before he took off his dressing gown and threw it to Alyssa. "So, you accept my challenge? Or are you just a cranak pel casacree salvak?" the doctor said, 
"For the planet?" The Sycorax leader said, 
"For the planet." The Doctor said, before they started fighting, the leader gaining the upper edge as the Doctor fell to the floor. 
"Look out!" Rose yelled, 
"Oh, yeah, that helps. Wouldn't have thought of that otherwise, thanks." the Doctor said, before they continued fighting before the Doctor rushed towards a door, "Bit of fresh air?" he said before they rushed outside. The Doctor struggling before he was hit in the nose. and Rose started forward, "Stay back! Invalidate the challenge and he wins the planet."The Doctor yelled, as they started fighting again before the Doctor was knocked on his back and the leader cut the hand holding the sword off. 
"You cut my hand off." The Doctor said, 
"Ya! Sycorax!" The leader said, before he stood up 
"And now I know what sort of man I am. I'm lucky. Because quite by chance I'm still within the first fifteen hours of my regeneration cycle, which means I've got just enough residual cellular energy to do this." the Doctor said, raising his arm, and a new hand grew back, 
"Witchcraft." the Sycorax said, 
"Time Lord." the Doctor said, before Alyssa grabbed a sword from the nearby guard,
"Doctor!" She yelled tossing him the sword,
"Oh, so I'm still the Doctor, then?" The Doctor yelled
"Do you really believe I would ever doubt that?" Alyssa said, 
"Want to know the best bit? This new hand? It's a fighting hand!" The Doctor said, going back to fighting the Leader, this time the Doctor easily disarming him and hit him the stomach causing the Sycorax leader to fall down, and the Doctor put his sword to his throat. "I win." 
"Then kill me." The sycorax leader said, 
"I'll spare your life if you'll take this Champion's command. Leave this planet, and never return. What do you say?" The Doctor said, 
"Yes." The leader said, 
"Swear on the blood of your species." the Doctor said, 
"I swear." 
"There we are, then. Thanks for that. Cheers, big fellow." The Doctor said, before he turned around and stabbed the sword into the ground near him. 
"Bravo!" Harriet said,
"That says it all. Bravo!" Rose said, as Alyssa ran up to the Doctor and helped him put his dressing gown on. 
"Ah, not bad for a man in his jim-jams." The Doctor said, before he took Alyssa's hand the other going into his pocket "Very Arthur Dent. Now, there was a nice man.Hold on, what have I got in here?" The Doctor said, bringing out an Satsuma, "A satsuma. Ah, that friend of Jackie's. He does like his snacks doesn't he? But doesn't that just sum up Christmas? You go through all those presents and right at the end, tucked away at the bottom, there's always one stupid old satsuma. Who wants a satsuma?" The Doctor said, before they heard the Sycorax yell as he rushed towards the two. The Doctor throwing the Satsuma at a button that made the Sycorax drop off the spaceship. 
"No second chances. I'm that sort of a man." The Doctor said, before the group entered the Spaceship again and stopped in front of the Tardis, "By the ancient rites of combat, I forbid you to scavenge here for the rest of time. And when go you back to the stars and tell others of this planet, when you tell them of it's riches, it's people, it's potential. When you talk of the Earth, then make sure that you tell them this. It is defended." before they all were beamed back down to earth. 
"Where are we?" Rose said, 
"We're just off Bloxom Road. We're just round the corner, we did it!" Mickey said starting to celebrate. 
"Wait a minute, wait a minute." The Doctor said, before the ship flew off, 
"Go on, my son! Oh, yeah!" Mickey said, Rose following and jumping onto Mickey's back. 
"Yeah! Don't come back!" Rose said, 
"It is defended!" Mickey yelled, before they started hugging each other. 
"My Doctor." Harriet said, 
"Prime Minister." The Doctor said, before the two hugged, 
"Absolutely the same man. Are there many more out there?" Harriet said, after they broke apart. 
"Oh, not just Sycorax. Hundreds of species. Thousands of them. And the human race is drawing attention to itself. Every day you're sending out probes and messages and signals. This planet's so noisy. You're getting noticed more and more. You'd better get used to it." The Doctor said, 
"Rose!" they heard Jackie yell as she ran into the clearing, 
"Mum!" Rose said, 
"Oh, talking of trouble." The Doctor said, 
"Oh, my God! You did it, Rose! Oh!" Jackie said, as Alyssa walked over and took her into a hug. before pulling away 
"You did it too! It was the tea. Fixed his head." Rose said, 
"That was all I needed, cup of tea." The Doctor said, 
"you told me to give you tea!"    Jackie said, smiling at Alyssa. 
"Look at him." Rose said, 
"Is it him, though? Is it really the Doctor? Oh, my God, it's the bleeding Prime Minister!" Jackie said, looking at Harriet, 
"Come here, you." Jackie said, before they had a group hug. 
"Are you better?" Jackie said, 
"I am, yeah." The Doctor said, 
"You left me." Jackie said, looking at Alyssa.
"Im sorry." Alyssa said, 
"I made sandwiches." Jackie said,
"Which Im sure was delicious, I just thought you wouldn't appreciate being beamed up with us to the spaceship." Alyssa said, right before they heard lasers turn on as lasers were fired at the Sycorax ship which exploded.  "Oh." she whispered, 
"What is that? What's happening?" Rose said, 
"That was murder." The Doctor said, 
"That was defence. It's adapted from alien technology. A ship that fell to Earth ten years ago." Harriet said, 
"But they were leaving." The Doctor said, 
"You said yourself, Doctor, they'd go back to the stars and tell others about the Earth. I'm sorry, Doctor, but you're not here all the time. You come and go. It happened today. Mister Llewellyn and the Major, they were murdered. They died right in front of me while you were sleeping. In which case we have to defend ourselves." Harriet said, 
"Britain's Golden Age." The Doctor said, 
"It comes with a price." Harriet said, 
"I gave them the wrong warning. I should've told them to run as fast as they can, run and hide because the monsters are coming. The human race." the Doctor said, 
"Those are the people I represent. I did it on their behalf." Harriet said,
"The people you represent Harriet, if you actually gave them a choice like you are supposed to would they have done the same thing?" Alyssa said,
"yes they would've." Harriet said,
"you do not know that for certain Harriet Jones. To think that is to think all of the human race all of britain is without mercy. They did not kill anyone they may have scared you, but they didn't kill anyone. and after they were beaten they willing turned around and left. do you think all of Britain would want them dead for that everyone would be without mercy like you are? No you did it because you were scared, Scared of the possibility of more aliens coming for this planet, but being scared does not and never will constitute murder!" Alyssa said, 
"We should have stopped you." The Doctor said, 
"What does that make you, Doctor? Another alien threat?" Harriet said, 
"Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, because I'm a completely new man. I could bring down your Government with a single word." The Doctor said, 
"You're the most remarkable man I've ever met, but I don't think you're quite capable of that."
"Maybe not one word. Harriet, but Six?" Alyssa said, 
"I don't think so." Harriet said, 
"She's right, Six words." the Doctor said, 
"Stop it!" Harriet said, 
"Six." The Doctor said, before he walked forward to the man and whispered something in his ear. before turning around and walking away with the others. 
"Doctor! Doctor, what did you? What was that? What did he say? What did you say, Doctor? Doctor! I'm sorry." Harriet said.
    Rose, Mickey and Jackie went back to their flat, as Alyssa and the Doctor went into the Tardis. Alyssa helping the Doctor find a new outfit, before he settled on a suit and a trenchcoat. He smiled at her after he came out from changing into his suit as Alyssa held up a tie.
"Recurring factor." Alyssa muttered as she walked over to him and put over his neck and started tying it. 
"I can tie my own tie." the Doctor grumbled,
"I know." Alyssa said, as she finished tying the tie and smiled up at him. 
"thank you." He muttered, before he looked at her. "I've been meaning to tell you something." 
"yeah." Alyssa said,
"First off, I left you my Tardis. Why didn't you go traveling with Rose?" The Doctor asked,
"I couldn't. not without you."
"Why couldn't you?" The Doctor asked,
"Im not you, and yeah I love travelling. But without you I don't want to." Alyssa said,
"Okay, I get that." The Doctor said, 
"Truly?" Alyssa said,
"No." the Doctor admitted, 
"Doc, I wouldn't give up traveling with you for the world, and I will never leave you.. but to ask me to go on without you is like you asking me to rip out one of my hearts. It wouldn't be the same. Rose and the others are waiting for us."Alyssa said, turning around to leave. Taking two steps before, but the Doctor grabbed her hand.
"Why would it be like that?" The Doctor asked,
"Doc, they are waiting for us. and it's christmas." Alyssa said,
"Ally." The Doctor said, as he pulled her towards him. 
"because I love you Doctor! and I don't want to live without you." Alyssa said, turning around to leave again but the Doctor pulled her back and turned her around. he pressed a hand to her cheek and kissed her, before pulling away,
"and that makes what I was going to say so much easier. I love you too Ally." The Doctor said, 
"you told me you didn't trust me." Alyssa said, looking down at the ground.
"Alyssa, I did say I didn't trust you. but I never said that because I hated you. I said it because I hated the idea of someone in my life that knew everything about me. But since then, I realized that you are this golden shining light in my life. That made me happier made everything brighter. even after the war, and I decided that I would bury that part of me down so deep, yeah it's still there. I won't deny that, but I will spend the rest of my life, proving to you that I love you, proving to you that I do trust you even with that little mistrust." The Doctor said, before Alyssa kissed him
"Im going to hold you to that Doc." Alyssa said,
"I want you too Alyssa. My golden angel." the Doctor said, making Alyssa smile before he kissed her cheek. 
"My doctor." Alyssa said, 
"Now Christmas dinner?"
"Yes." Alyssa said, before he held his arm out to hers, and she took it and the two went to the flat.  Rose smiling at the two as they walked in before they sat down to eat. The Doctor wearing a red crown from a christmas chacker, helping Rose break open another one.
"Oh that yours." Alyssa said as she looked inside handing it off to Rose, who opened and pulled out a pink crown.
"It's pink! Mum, it should be yours. Look, it's Harriet Jones." Rose said, pointing at the TV. 
"Prime Minister, is it true you are no longer fit to be in position?" A reporter said, as the Doctor and Alyssa stood up and walked over. 
"No. Now, can we talk about other things?" Harriet said, 
"Is it true you're unfit for office?" Another reporter said, 
"Look, there is nothing wrong with my health. I don't know where these stories are coming from. And a vote of no confidence is completely unjustified." Harriet said, 
"Are you going to resign?" Another reporter said, 
"On today of all days, I'm fine. Look at me, I'm fine. I look fine, I feel fine." Harriet said, as Jackie answered a phone that was ringing. 
"It's Beth. She says go and look outside." Jackie said, 
"Why?" Rose said, 
"I don't know, just go outside and look. Come on, shift!" Jackie said, before they all went out to see that it was snowing. 
"Oh, it's beautiful. What are they, meteors?" Rose said, as lights flew across the sky. 
"It's the spaceship breaking up in the atmosphere. This isn't snow, it's ash." The Doctor said, 
"Okay, not so beautiful." Rose said, 
"This is a brand new planet Earth. No denying the existence of aliens now. Everyone saw it. Everything's new." The Doctor said, 
"And what about you? What are you going to do next?" Rose asked, 
"Well, back to the Tardis. Same old life." The Doctor said, 
"On your own?"
"Not if you want to come." Alyssa said, 
"Well, yeah." Rose said, 
"Do you, though?" The Doctor asked 
"Yeah!" Rose just said again, 
"I just thought, because I changed." The Doctor said, 
"Yeah, I thought, because you changed you might not want me anymore." Rose said,
"Are you mad Rose? of course he wants you to come!" 
"Yeah I'd love you to come," The Doctor said, 
"Okay." Rose said, 
"You're never going to stay, are you?" Mickey said, 
"There's just so much out there. So much to see. I've got to." Rose said, looking at Mickey, 
"Yeah." Mickey said, 
"Well, I reckon you're mad, the three of you. It's like you go looking for trouble." Jackie said, and the Doctor walked over to her, 
"Trouble's just the bits in-between. It's all waiting out there, Jackie, and it's brand new to me. All those planets, and creatures and horizons. I haven't seem them yet! Not with these eyes." The Doctor said, before he walked back over to Rose. "And it is going to be fantastic." holding his hand out to hers. 
"That hand of yours still gives me the creeps." Rose said, before she took it. Alyssa taking his other hand. 
"So, where're we going to go first?" Alyssa said, 
"Er, that way." The Doctor said, bringing up both their hands in a certain direction, before he changed where they were pointing. "No, hold on. That way." 
"That way?" Alyssa said, 
"Hmm?" The Doctor said, 
"Yeah, that way." Alyssa said, before she looked back up at the doctor and kissed his cheek.

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