chapter 11

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  "wow Elle you look absolutely stunning ." micheal acknowledged as he greeted Elle with a peck on her cheek "with you looking like this all the boys are going to be drooling at the restaurant"

     " thank you " Elle giggled as she looked herself over once more.

The tube gown which clunged on her chest with a deep v-neck which showed her cleavage and the back completely opened down to her waist gave her the i am ready to flirt look. it stopped at her knee and she wore   purple heels to go with the deep blue gown. she let her hair down since she was feeling exposed.

    "don't giggle cause i am still mad with you for leaving without telling me and now i hear from Joshua that you and j had something going on until you spoilt it." mike said as he led Elle to the limousine his hand on her back.

     "really? Joshua you can babble a lot, whatever I'll tell you all about it,where's Andie? Elle said with a sigh as she settled in beside Joshua and glared at him.

    "we will be picking her up get comfortable."mike said as he sat opposite Joshua.

    "don't look at me like that "Joshua said smirking at Elle.

  "all you were supposed to do was tell him i was going to Miami not some imagination you have in your head of me and j dating" Elle said maintaining her glare

   "you should know me lil dove, i have my way of explaining things" Joshua laughed and faced the window as micheal burst out laughing.

  Elle shot him a glare"what's funny?"  " nothing".

     They arrived at the restaurant at eight. Elle had been secretly congratulating herself for looking at least 25% better than Andie this night and she was still getting points for holding mike's attention since they got to the restaurant. he seemed more interested in Miami than she thought he would. she also couldn't help but notice the sad smile Andie had on today, although she was her number one on her list of people i dislike she did seem to bother about what had gotten her so beaten up. she had to admit she did love the rivalry game that was going on between them although she was the only one who could see it.

  " guys if you'll excuse me i need to go to the bathroom ,Andie would  you please escort me" she was going to get answers and she was going to get it now.

   "sure" Andie  said while standing up and flashing everybody her sad smile which by the way was getting Elle fed up. she tried to contain her fatigue until they reached the bathroom.

     "what's wrong with you" she asked the moment the door closed behind them taking Andie by surprise.

"excuse me?"

    Elle talked slower now" what is going on with you , you don't look so happy and its bothering me"

     "thanks for caring but i am okay" Andie said flashing her another sad smile.

      "fine you wont tell me but at least manage a better smile before everybody feels exactly the same way like you, emotions are contagious"Elle whispered shouted

    that made Andie laugh for real this time and she pulled Elle into a hug and whispered thanks.

  They adjusted their make up and hair and as they were about to leave Andie caught Elle 's hand causing her to turn before Andie barely whispered " i am gonna tell my dad to call of the engagement".

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