chapter 18

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  Elle had decided she would love to eat dinner out today but ximena was busy so she went to a restaurant to have a depressing and lonely dinner. she had been sitting for an hour playing with her food and taking small bites and before she knew it she was calling micheal and telling him where she was "......i will be waiting for you".an hour later micheal was settled across Elle as they both sipped their drinks ,Elle had abandoned her food realising she was not going to be able to digest it all and now she planned on convincing micheal to call of the wedding

  "so? you didn't leave because something important came up and if i may ask what is it?? " micheal asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

     "what you said when i called you earlier.."Elle swallowed "why did you say that?"

micheal sighed "i read this " he pushed her diary towards her "sorry" he murmured

    Elle was going sick...she took in some air "well then"she tried but her voice was tiny, she cleared her throat and continued "i found this and its really important and i want you to read it carefully" she said as she gave him the letter with trembling hands

two minutes later micheal was gripping the letter and staring hard at elle..finally he spoke" so??"

   elle was short of  words "what do you mean so  didn't you read the letter?" he just bent his head towards the side like a puppy and gave her the i don't know what you are talking about look.  she grabbed the letter and read it over yep it was the same she hadn't given him the wrong letter

   "you know it says she has a husband and a kid right?"Elle asked not hiding her anger

    "for all i know you and your good friend ximena could have made that up" he said as he drew the good friend part.

.  "excuse me?? did you just insinuate that i made up  a story like that," she was stunned..was this micheal or was she just dreaming

   "well did you?"micheal asked raising one of his eyebrows

  "i have been your best friend for God knows how dare you suggest i made up a story like that" Elle was struggling to keep her voice down but it was not working why was micheal being a complete jerk

  "don't come at me with that best friend bullshit..and besides if you didn't it might as well be that no good friend of yours who has all but been jealous of andriana." his voice was surprisingly calm but there was a  hint of anger behind all that cool boy look he was putting on.

  "you don't get to judge ximena leave her out ta friend bullshit??what the hell do you mean by that" she was already shouting and she didn't care how many people were staring at them

  "so what you found out i was in love with you you  think i am so head over heels with you that i will make up such stories the first place what kind of person reads someone's diary?"

  micheal was already on his feet shouting back "the kind of person who has been dying of you know how many times i wanted you to be more than my friend but then joshua would say you only saw me as a friend and i needed a signal to let me know you felt something but then you started avoiding me and i had to try to forget about you and luckily for me a great woman came in my life and you come here with bullshit to pull me from her? i love you Elle but its too late i cant abandon andriana because you finally decided that you love me .she deserves better than that." he said the last part quietly..

"you idiot, you didn't tell me then and now you are mad at me for not telling you..wake up dude are supposed to approach first" she rubbed her palm over her face "you know what i'm done ,i left a deal that could boost my career for you and this is what i get..i'm going to do something that's worth my time" and with that she grabbed her purse and pushed pass micheal leaving the letter sitting on the table and the whole restaurant staring.

         days later ximena was shocked to see a frustrated micheal on her doorstep demanding for an explanation.

   "i want to meet them" micheal said after minutes of ximena telling him the whole story

"i don't know..i can only Skype them but i don't think he  would agree to come here" ximena said looking at micheal through her eyelashes.

" call him, tell him two first class tickets  have been arranged for them and they would be taken from the airport, just tell them its really important and they really need to come..i need them here..i need everybody to know so that i don't look like some jerk for dumping his fiance days to her wedding ...please"  micheal said as he rubbed his temples and headed towards the door sluggishly obviously trying to figure out whether to go or "where is Elle?"

    ximena gave him a sad smile "she is in Japan for a three year series film . she aced the audition."

  he shook his head and walked to the door his hand on the knob he turned back with a small smile "thanks"

   " no problem just remember we are given many choices its our mission to skip some and choose some".ximena said with a small nod and he left.

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