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dear diary

i know i shouldn't go but its an opportunity to spend more time with know he's my best friend.....OK OK i know i love him and i know he does but not enough ........let me tell you a story ...... that day i him and jo went to a restaurant  for lunch .....i didn"t  feel like eating so i only took a drink..i can't remember  what i drank exactly but the point is after lunch we went over to jo"s place and talked and laughed and watched movies ...we had so much fun ....soooooo later on i decided to go home and he offered to walk me home ..... so we walked slowly .i was cold and he gave me his jacket and he held my hand and it just felt like it fit perfectly ...i totally forgot  we were just friends and when we got to my doorstep i was even expecting a kiss ....but guess what ,he asked for his jacket and i was brought back to reality ......yeah i know...silly! but since that day I've never felt the same  way....i"m going now cause i know you will start your criticism  so bye


   hello !! looks like the whole family's here....well

that's how my father welcomes we got  to l.A by 6:00pm and i was pretty stressed out  but my dad couldn't take a hint..we all got settled in and my dad decided to tell me his big surprise at dinner

   ‘‘Elle how beautiful you look and  so grown up. your  parents must be so proud of you .look at you all so grown up .oh my little children!" Mr martin wouldn't just shut up ,

‘‘honey leave them to eat . they must be starving "Mrs martin chipped in innocently, obviously noticing that the kids needed help

   after that everybody ate silently for about five minutes before Mr martin spoke up again and everybody groaned..the type that sounds like one's been tortured "that was not nice but i am too excited to eat so are you ready to know your surprise?"he asked  with much enthusiasm .Mrs martin rubbed his arm and squeezed  her face dissaprovingly "well dad i will like to know whats so important that i had to fly down here" Michael said forcing a smile."he can tell you after dinner when you two. are alone " Mrs martin suggested as she gave her husband the my idea is better and you better accept it look.

  After dinner Mr martin and Michael headed to the library on the second  floor . Mrs martins showed Joshua his room and escorted Elle to her room and Elle grabbed the opportunity to but in and maybe know what the big surprise is.

"so you don't look to thrilled about the big surprise" she said trying to sound like she just wanted to start a conversation

"yes,dear and Michael isn't going to like it either but you get some sleep and you can talk to him tomorrow maybe he will calm down by then cause he really is going to get mad"Mrs martin said with a sigh"good night" she whispered and she was gone.

"well that didn't help at all and now i can't sleep" Elle muttered as she sat down on the edge of the bed  but maybe not such a good idea thump!!and she was on the floor"oooowwwww!!......" she was just about to.swear when she heard Michael slam his door"am gonna get you " she muttered to the bed as she stood up opened her door and looked side ways in both directions.."sneaky time she. whispered to herself and started tiptoeing to Michael's room,she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed somebody coming..if she ran

the person would catch her ,she was still thinking of a runaway plan when she heard her name,familiar voice"jo what are you doing here"she whispered as she tuned west to face joshua"oh! am sorry princes am i sneaking around your house"joushua said annoyingly

yet sarcastic.....oh she loved joshua but he can be a hand full at times"yeah whatever" she whispered moving closer to Michaels door,as she rose her hand to knock, the door flung open to a very annoyed micheal " hey there"she said totally embarassed "and hello to you,both of you in "he commanded"yo dude i thought you were mad ,not my father"joshua complained as he strode into the room trying to prove a point

"what were you guys doing out of your rooms?"he asked with that sense of authority as he laid down and his two.friends sat by the bedside "well your mum said you would be angry by the time  you heard the surprise and i just wanted to make sure you were okay" Elle said as she tried hard to sit properly not wanting dé jà vú  especially not in front of two boys, she finished off by saying"and am speaking of only me notice how i use the pronoun i"she glared at Jo.

"dude just wanted us to talk about jane but i think i like the topic,who pissed you off"joshua said searching mikes face eagerly.

"thanks a lot guys but i really don't wanna talk about it now,i'll tell you tomorrow,so u guys get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow" mike said softly and that got Elle and Jo back on their feet and back to their rooms.


dear diary

mikes father just told him his big surprise and that got my honey so mad, we're gonna talk tomorrow i hope he gets some you have anything you wanna talk about? apart from mike......well then night diary!:(

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