chapter 13

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  Weeks had passed and it seemed andriana had put away her crazy idea of calling of the wedding much to Elle's disappointment but maybe it was a good thing, maybe now she could finally focus on cruiz the twin but although Elle thought it was nice that at least she wanted to move on she didn't think she could do that to cruiz , he was nice and he seemed cool but using  him to get over micheal would seem to low  and of course if he ever found out the whole family would hate her and by then maybe micheal would be part of that family and that wouldn't make her happy so now cruiz was out and she was left with her torturous feelings.

       ximena was out of town again so Elle could only talk about her feelings to the only person who would no who had to listen.... her diary....the wedding plans were going great just as elle's heart was doing terribly. Recently she spent most of her time writing in her diary and oh was there a lot to write about,micheal usually invited her out with them but only to find out her opinion as a best friend which normally she would have felt honoured but all she felt now was insulted.

    dear diary
i think i am going crazy , Joshua is gone and here i am like some piece of furniture, i want to leave this place but the wedding is in three weeks so i can only be gone for two of course i have to be back here to  put on my biggest fake smile and watch the ugly step sister get married to my prince . oh and she all but couldn't be happy until she put me in the bridal train....i just wanna rip her head off slow and painfully...too bad she's nice though it would have been a relieve..hmmmm
   i really want to help myself so am gonna go on a break for ten days ...i will just ask my mom if she has a temporary spot i can  occupy for the time being i mean i do want to do something with my life rather than spend it obsessing about yeah ximena will be back by tomorrow then we can say our quick good byes and fly far away.
   i love micheal so much.....bye.....

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