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  Elle and ximena were sitting on the grass in ximena's  garden ." we have been good friends right")?" elle suddenly asked. a confused ximena just nodded and waited for elle to go on."well i need some advice on something really private and complicated" Elle continued her voice wavering a little bit  . "okay "ximena assured and asked her to go on. "i am in love with my best friend but his engaged to your sister and i think he's falling for her so i really don't know what to do , recently i and andie have gotten close and she just told me she. wants to call of the engagement and i feel really sad about it  but i cant help but also be happy ,i feel like i have a chance yet there's this voice telling me its never going to happen i still have hope and now i feel like a terrible person looking for ways to help myself in a problem that could affect both my friends...soo what do you think i should do?" Elle had finished blabbing and she stared at ximena who seemed to be thinking to hard. after a moment ximena said in a straight voice..."i know what to do" "excuse me?" Elle asked a little bit confused ."oh sorry i was a little bit lost there" after seeing elles terrified look she just chuckled and continued "although i heard all you said"she said comforting her. "as you know i and andriana are not in good terms  and i have not really been faced with such a situation but ill advice you just stay cool ,just wait for the signals before you act and never be a spoiler" ximena lectured. "thanks..i do have a diary i write in "Elle chuckled nervously.

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