chapter 4

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   ‘‘hy....why are you sitting here all alone?" ximena asked as she sipped her red wine

  ''oh nothing..just needed some space to the way am Elle"Elle said as she offered her hand to the brown haired,tall and sexy girl.

    ''ximena" the brown haired girl shook elles hand carefully.

''you know i once knew a girl..her name was Elle" ximena said as she took another sip of her drink

  '' really?i once knew a ximena and you two have quite similar features"

     "ohhhhh that's where i know you from..Elle!! how   big you've grown" ximena said smiling broadly

  "xee!! oh my !!"Elle exclaimed as they both hugged tightly.

  "oh be careful...i don't want to spill wine on your dress " ximena said as she carefully removed her arm from her back.

        "she is really nice ,i met her when i was sent to a boarding school for a year" Elle , Joshua and Michael were sitting in Michaels room having tea and talking about the dinner they went to earlier

'" why were u sent to boarding school? I've heard that place is hell  " Joshua asked as he sipped from his mug.

  "its not that bad,there are a lot of annoying brats you have to put up with but that's about it...and ximena and i were close even though she was two grades higher than me ,she was fun,we talked, laughed,and we went to a restaurant every weekend when we were given breaks...i left after one year and i never saw her again, i tried calling but she changed her number so we never saw each other until today" Elle narrated starring out the window ,mug in hand

  "ok nice story but why were u sent there,don't tel me it was your choice" Joshua  continued

   "well then i moved with these group of bullies ,we really owned the school until i was suspended and my parents decided they had enough of me" Elle went on turning to face the boys

  "you?! you cant even kill a fly" Joshua mocked

  "yeah well you would be surprised what a girl can do to get a boys attention" Elle said sadly looking towards Michael "why are you so quiet mike?

  " she really is beautiful...i need to plan my strategy to make her fall in love with me rather than because of business" mike said obviously day dreaming

"see dude told you you would like her and i think she is so sexy" Joshua drawled

  "yeah man but she's all mine"Michael grinned

     "i think its late ,i'm gonna go to bed now...night"Elle said with a little smile as she dropped her cup on Michaels study table and walked out quickly,closing the door

"whats her problem?" Michael asked confused

"i think you should talk to her. she has been acting weird"Joshua said sipping more tea " but that's for another time back to Adriana" Joshua continued with a small smile .

      dear diary

we met her know the bitch, i even feel guilty calling her that because mike has obviously fallen in love with her and i am his best friend i am suppose to stand by him but anytime he brings  up the topic of  his so called girlfriend i just lose it and run off like a fifteen year old...i love him sooooo much but i think its time i face reality and finally accept the fact that he's never going to feel the same way i feel about him and just be there like a friend, a sister...cuz am sure that's how he sees me......oh you will never guess  who i know ximena,my role model......we met in boarding skul some years back we used to talk laugh and study together she always gave me advice when it came to boys...she always had this air of confidence around her and i always wanted to be like her and now i just found out she's Adriana's sister but that dosen't change how much i admire for adriana ,she is really gorgeous and not a bitch at all but i know she is a theif.......:( ......good night off to bed.

  elle finished her day by pouring out her emotions to her closest friend....her diary.

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