chapter 19

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   it was the dayof the wedding..everything was great except Michaels heart he was waiting for all this to come to an end so that he could go and look for elle.

right now they were about to exchange rings,he had to admit andriana looked good but he could bet elle would have looked even better..his parents ,andriana's parents, joshua and ximena were in the front pew.

andriana had said her vows and as micheal was about to start his phone rang

     "sure let them in" micheal looked at the crowd and started " i am sorry but this ..." he spread his hands "is not supposed to be a wedding but a reunion of vows " then the door was open and a man with blonde hair and a kid with hair the same color as andie's entered the church and before anyone could ask what was happening andriana was on the floor  and Anthony was rushing to hold her

  micheal just continued "now if you all will excuse me  i have to go look for my real bride" and with that he left the chapel and was on the next flight to Japan.

      Elle was in her suite gazing out the windows , they were supposed to start shooting in a week 's time and she was supposed to be looking for a house that would be comfortable for her , she was given an assistant and all that but her joy was not just full today because today was the day her one true love was joining himself to a whore.

   of course she felt bad for leaving him but if he couldn't believe her when she was his best friend ..he wouldn't value her if she was ever his girlfriend and she couldn't take that . the land line rang and she adjusted her robe as she sat down  and picked it

"miss, someone named joshua grant is here to see you"

   "let him in" Elle was surprised why would joshua come see her on Michaels wedding then she started panicking maybe something had happened to him...a knock on her door brought her back to reality and she jumped of her bed and ran to the door .she hurriedly pulled the door open and came face to face with micheal and she lost all words ..

    "i made a lot of mistakes and am willing to correct them if you would forgive me" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, when she didn't talk he continued "i am really sorry about all that  drama i was just really shocked .

i promise to make it up to you"

when she still didn't say anything he continued "okay am sorry i shouldn't have come here i....."he was cut short as elle wrapped her hands on his neck and kissed him.

     well finally....i wrote a whole book..huh somethings really are possible...let me know what you think and remember fragile heart so dont let the criticisms be so  harsh

   thanks for reading skipping choices

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