chapter 15

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Well this was the moment to tell micheal her practised tale on why she had to leave so suddenly. she and micheal were sitting opposite each other in the jet black limousine when micheal started "so i know you and i know you are not just leaving for some fun , you are running away from something but i haven't been able to figure that out but i know you don't like Andriana and as a best friend i should have talked about it with you but i was waiting for the right time but....." he was cut short by Elle who was surprisingly calm..maybe she did really need to get away from him for sometime.

"the right time?? when would that have been??on your. wedding day??"

"i thought you would later understand i mean you are my best friend and i know if no other person understands you will......" micheal said slowly as he rubbed the back of his neck"look i really like her and i didn't want you to say you didn't cause your opinion really matters to me and i would have felt compelled to leave her and that would not be fair to her and everyone, i am really sorry but right now i really want to know why you are running all the way to Johannesburg suddenly??" micheal raised his eyebrows gaining back his confidence .

now was the time Elle goes nothing " apology accepted ,well my mum has this friend who is a director and he thinks that the best way to start my acting career would be by shooting some commercial and well i think its a very good opportunity so i decided to give it a try" Elle smiled nervously as she finished her story and the limousine pulled to a stop.

"why do i feel like you are lying to me? " micheal asked suspiciously

"oh look we are at the airport"Elle raised her voice a little high as she got out of the limousine.

some minutes later she was settled in first class close to the window staring out the plane when she realised that something was wrong ,she checked her magazine,the letter was there but why did it suddenly feel so light and that's when she realised she .left .her .diary. in .Michael's .limousine.

micheal wouldn't read it right? he was after all her best friend of course he would respect her privacy but even as she tried to convince herself she was still scared, she shouldn't be its not like there's anything to be scared about...oh wait except the fact that her diary was practically a novel about her big crush on micheal.

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