chapter 3:

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      dear diary

   told you he didn't love me enough.....I've finally found out the

surprise....the stupid surprise i wasted my time flying all the way here....what century does mr martin think this is.!!....for Christ sake we aren't in the 17th century were princesses are betrothed to princes...we are in a century were a girl of 17 gets married because she thinks she's in love!!!  now he's giving the love of my life to a bitch from a rich rich to,my parents can buy him....ooooh!! i feel like strangling him and now we have to go to a dinner party to meet mikes so called future bride :( ...i don't want to go but i have to support my friend..i should get dressed i'll tell you about her when i see the bitch......bye .  

       elle threw her diary on her bed and started looking through her clothes for a gown that would hide her sadness..she could not stop thinking about the girl that mr martin had chosen for his son, the girl that would be with mike,the girl he might end up marrying,what if mike falls in love with her?...that question made her squeeze the black knee length gown she was holding "what if he falls   in love with her...?" she would have no choice than to support him, after all what are best friends for.....she looked at the black gown in her hand,this was how she felt so dark and sad. at last she decided a blue LV  gown would do the trick, she packed her hair in a bun allowing few to fray by her ears,a little red lipstick some mascara and blush and she was done."let's go meet the crusher of dreams she murmured to herself"

      Michael stared at himself in the standing mirror in his room,he had always hoped he would meet the girl of his dreams ,one who understood him and made him happy......he said a silent prayer in his heart as he took a last glance at his black suit and shiny black shoes,he brushed his hand through his jet black hair and sighed. here goes nothing.....

      the party was held in a garden close to his girlfriends House . Elle and Joshua arrived together and chatted all through while micheal went round with his father greeting and introducing themselves.

it was already about two hours into the party and micheal had not seen his bride, elle was silently celebrating "maybe she refused to come or she was sick" she felt bad she was hoping she was sick but what was a girl supposed to do "wait a minute ,"  

   Michael was walking towards her and Joshua hands holding the waist if the most beautiful girl she had ever seen ,they came to a halt in front of them and Michael was smiling and his eyes joyful.

"guys, this is Adriana parker " he  paused for a while and exchanged looks with Joshua before talking" and this is Elle and Joshua " he gestured towards us.

    "nice to meet you guys ,micheal tells me you're his best friends" Adriana said smiling.

   "you are really gorgeous ,wish i could exchange places with mike" joshua said grinning

   Arrrgh! elle thought  " nice to meet you" elle forced a smile

  "if you'll excuse me," elle left the trio and went to the other side of the garden and sat on a swing....her heart broken into peices

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