-Chapter 6-

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-Chapter 6-

-Chilled's POV-

"Hey Jess?" I call.

"Yeah baby?" Jess replies.

"We should go jogging every day or something." I say.

"Yeah we should." She says hugging me behind.

-Ze's POV-

After booking in and stuff, me and Dan decide to go on a walk. While walking around Dan asks me questions about my recordings and who I record with.

"So, me and the other creatures decided to do a series called 'Ask The Creatures!' and we were wondering maybe you'd like to be a part of it one day?" Dan asks with hope.

"Yeah sure." I reply.

Me and Dan cover almost every topic there is to talk about, all apart from one. Anthony. I do wonder why he hasn't asked be about Anthony. Does he know? Or has he simply forgotten about him? But he must've because I always go on about him and maybe because this one time through out the ride and while being here I haven't said a word about him. But then again, why would I? Talking about someone who destroyed my world in less then 60 seconds, but then it's coming from the one whose whole life is based off being a fuck up. I kind of wonder, whose fault it actually might be..

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