-Chapter 15-

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-Chapter 15-

-Chilled's POV-

I make my way to the room that I have been given the keys to.

Upon entering this room, I already notice someone out of the corner of my eye leaving their room.

I quickly hurry into my room and shut the door over. I peer out, to see Ze humming to himself.

Breathe in. breathe out. Just simply grab him or something.

As Ze goes to turn around, you leap out and grab him by the waist, carrying him into your room. You then drop him on the ground, nicely.

"Chilled!!" Ze squeals, "what the fuck?!"

"I wanted to apologise!" I yell.

"Do that then!" He yells back.

"I'm sorry Ze for everything that happened!" I say.

He looks down at the ground, "it's, it's honestly fine."

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