-Chapter 32-

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-Chapter 32-

-Ze's POV-

It was stupid of me to even say anything about it. I shouldn't have. He's going to hate my idea.

I turn, facing him. His face is centimetres away from mine.

He examines my face, then brings up his hand to caress my cheek, lovingly.
His face looks so calm and stress free.

I look into his eyes and whisper, "maybe even adopting..."

He doesn't react, he just continues caressing my cheek and examining my face. He doesn't even tense up or try to avoid the option.

I'm serious about it. I hope he can sense that.

"Of course, that's one of the things I want to do most with you, I want to raise our children together, maybe not our biological children but still they're ours if they feel welcomed enough into our family." Chilled soothingly whispers.

I smile, "I like that word. Our. It makes me feel like I'm special."

"It's because you are." Chilled chuckles.

"We are." I laugh.

We then both quieten down. As I bury my head into Chilled's chest, he wraps his arms around me, playing with my hair.

"I love you Steven." He whispers.

"I love you Anthony." I whisper back.

For a long period of the night I lay there snuggled into Anthony thinking about our new life together.

Marriage is a big thing and I'm glad that we are taking this step into our new lives. We'll get though everything and anything together as long as we stay strong. I'm sure we will.

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