-Chapter 14-

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-Chapter 14-

-Chilled's POV-

I climb into bed. Arghh, so I know where Ze and his friends are.. Now I just got to figure out how to get in touch with him.. Hmm, it's worth a try booking into a room nearby him, Aleks told me the number before as I was in a group chat with everyone.

I drift asleep trying to figure out more stuff.

-In the morning-

I get up, and start getting dressed. So I need to ask the guy for an apartment near 861.

That should easy.

After I've finished dressing, I grab a piece of bread and head off.

It takes 10 minutes minimum to get to the apartment place. I walk up to the desk and pat my hands lightly on the desk.

A young, gloomy, boy walks out of a room and in front of the desk. I look at his name tag. Tom.

"How can I help you sir?" Tom asks.

"I was hoping for a room near room 861?" I ask.

"I'll check." Tom says.

I watch him as he clumsily flips through the attendance book, missing a few pages every now and then. I examine his face, red cheeks, tired eyes, messed up hair, and a dull smile.

"Rough night?" I ask.

Tom sighs, "Yeah, Girlfiend cheated on me and stuff."

"Ah, I see.." I lean more on to the desk, "You know what they say, Once a whore, always a whore, you can never change back. Forget about her, show her when she comes running back to you, prove to her you are worth it and you are better without her."

He hands me the keys, and smiles, "I will, thanks."

Fuckkk... I haven't seen Ze in ageeees! I need to speak to him!

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