-Chapter 22-

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-Chapter 22-

-3rd Person-

A young women walks up to Seamus while in the bar. She starts speaking to him.

"I'm Hazel, what's your name?" Hazel asks Seamus.

"Seamus." Seamus says.

They talk for a while. A few seats away James is glaring at her while GaLm just blabbers on.

"Hey, can I borrow your phone?" James asks GaLm.

GaLm nods, allowing James to pick his phone up from the bar, but not paying any obvious attention.

-James' POV-

As I pick up GaLm's phone, I click on Seamus' contact. I send him a few mesages.


GaLm: No... You're my bestfriend...

GaLm: You're mine and only mine...

GaLm: I love you... Stay away from her...


After the pub, while we are all walking home, Seamus coughs.

"Hey, um guys? What are your numbers? Just incase of emergency." Seamus asks.

We all tell him our numbers, he just nods.

Seamus walks beside me, bumping into me every now and then. I stop, letting him walk ahead and stand next to Smarty and GaLm at the back of the group.

-GaLm's POV-

When we're in the apartment again, I go straight to my room, sitting down. There's knock on the door..

"Hey, GaLm?" Seamus says walking into the room.

"Hey Seamus, what do you need?" I ask politely.

"Eh, can I, eh, talk to you, alone?" He asks.

I nod. I look at Smarty, he groans, "Any funny business and I'll hurt you."

Smarty leaves the room shutting the door as well and I laugh. I pat the bed next to me but Seamus sits on the floor instead.

"So yeah?" I say, waiting for Seamus to begin.

"I got a few texts earlier and erm they seemed to come from your phone."

"Really?" I ask, surprised.

He hands me his phone. I read through the messages.


GaLm: No... You're my bestfriend...

GaLm: You're mine and only mine...

GaLm: I love you... Stay away from her...


I sigh, "Well, I didn't send these because you know, I love Smarty, a lot."

Seamus nods, "Who would say these things though?"

I shrug, "It could be anyone of us."

"Eh, can, erm, we try to figure out who it was?" Seamus asks.

I nod, "Anything buddy!"

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