-Chapter 8-

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-Chapter 8-

-Chilled's POV-

As soon as me and Jess get to the flat again, I throw myself down on the bed. That was tiring. I load up Twitter on my phone and decide to see if I can find some good gossip.

After scrolling for like a few hours. I find an tweet from Ze saying "Reunited! #SoHappy ;D" and it's a picture of him, Jordan, James, Aleks, Dan, Seamus, Anthony and John.




So I didn't fucking bring you happiness?! Then it hits me. The guilt.

I grit my teeth and turn my phone off.

He's happy. Why am I mad? Before this post, all he would retweet was sad things. Why aren't I happy for him?

"Maybe it's because you wanted to be the cause of his happiness.." My mimd things.

But, I'm the one who left him.

"If you left him then forget about him.. There must've been a reason you left him.."

Yes. No..Yes... Jess was that reason. Argh! I should be happy for him! And I will be!

I turn on my phone and load up Twitter. I go to Ze's page and click on that tweet and type "Glad you're having fun, and stay happy."

I sit there staring at the screen. I then quickly delete it after 5 minutes.

Fuck. I turn my phone and throw it on the floor and shove my face into a pillow. Arghhhh.

-Ze's POV-

I upload the photo to Twitter as soon as I get back to the hotel then collapse in the front room with the others.

We decide to watch some different films such as Cabin in the woods and Saw. Aleks chickened out after a bit and went and sat in his room, soon after James decides to check on him. Two hours later, we are now watching My little pony because James insisted on us watching it as he thought it would be hilarious.


Everyone looks at their phones.

"It was mine!" I say laughing.

Everyone goes ahhhh.

I look at my phone. Twitter notification. I open it up. It says "Glad you're having fun, and stay happy." from...


I stare at my screen. What? I read it carefully.

'Glad you're having fun.'

'Stay Happy.'

... I breathe in.

"Hey, you okay?" James says nudging me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I saying sighing slightly.

What the fuck? I refresh the page. I search for the tweet again. It's not there?

He changed his mind...

He wants me to suffer...

And have a bad time and not be happy...

Haven't I suffered enough...


A/N: I don't know how much I will update because I have plans most of the week and all weekend and I don't get back until around 8 ish and when I'm back I'm normally very tired >~< but I'll try for you guys.

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