-Chapter 25-

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-Chapter 25-

-Chilled's POV-

Jess wakes me up by pulling my covers away from me.

"Whaaaat?" I groan.

"Today's the day!" Jess squeals.

I grab my phone and look at the date.

It's the party tonight. And it's also 1pm. Fuck.

"Get dressed!!" Jess squeals more.

"But the thing starts at like 4 or 5!" I groan.

She glares at me, I groan, then I get up. She throws me my suit as I undress then pull on the suit. I look in the mirror. God, I look terrible.

-Ze's POV-

Seamus giggles as we quietly but quickly sneak into James' room. He's still sleeping. I pass Seamus the bottle of freezing cold water, that I was holding, he takes it. He raises it above James' head. He then pours it out onto his head. As we both leg it out the room we hear James scream, "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT?!"

We burst out laughing, as the others come gathering in the living room. James stands inside the bathroom drying himself.

"What happened?" I say between deep breathes from laughing so hard.

"Some idiot poured freezing cold water over my face while I was sleeping!" James shouts.

Everyone looks at me and Seamus, as we fall to the fall laughing our heads off. I try to speak but I can't breath.

James walks in and stands there with his hands on his hips, "Who did it?"

I point at Seamus as he points at me. I laugh even more, this was even starting to amuse the others, as they are starting to smile and chuckle.

"Ze, was it you?" James growls.

I open my mouth in an 'o' shape, "WHAT? NO, IT WAS SEAMUS!!"

James stares at Seamus, Seamus laughs harder.

"It's the party tonight! I thought I should wake you up as its 12!" Seamus says laughing.

James sighs and goes back into his room.

Me and Seamus laugh together more.

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