-Chapter 27-

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-Chapter 27-

-Chilled's POV-

I weave around the people in this place, trying to look for Jess. I see her talking to some people. I head over to her and introduce myself to the people.

"Jess, when did we get here?" I whisper to her.

She turns to me and whispers, "2 hours ago."

I nod, turning away from her to find the bar. I finally reach the bar. I take a seat and order a drink.

I sigh, then put my head in my hands

I look up when the bar tender places a drink in front of me. I take a sip looking around.

I suddenly spot Smarty. My smile lights up.

I call the bar tender over, "hey, eh can you get that guy over there to come over here, please, the one with the black hair near the guy with a red cap."

He nods, heading over to Smarty, pointing over at me. Smarty looks over at me and suddenly smiles.

He then disappears for a second then appears next to me, "Chilled!"

"Smarty! How are you?" I ask, hugging him.

He hugs me back, "I'm great man, how's you?"

"I'm good, who are you here with?" I ask.

"Just, the others. How about you?" He asks.

"Jess.." I reply sadly.

"Well, anyway, I'll tell the others you said hi and I'll see you around." Smarty says.

I wave him away.

ZeRoyalChaos - New York CityDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora