-Chapter 29-

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-Chapter 29-

-Chilled's POV-

I make my way to Jess, after hearing the announcement. She wraps her arm around me.

"The most amazing female here is Jess Fiorenti!" The microphone person says.

"But we aren't married?" I question.

She ignores me and squeals running up on the stage.

Ze wouldn't do this to me. Ze must be here if the others are.

I frantically start searching for Ze in the crowd.

"The most amazing male here," the microphone yells.

I suddenly spot Ze. I stare at him.

"Is Anthony Fiorenti!" The microphone guy shouts.

Everyone turns to me but I continue staring at Ze, Ze turns slowly around, fixing his eyes on me.

He's actually not that far away.

I start making my way to Ze, pushing through the crowd, I reach him, "I'm sorry Ze."

"Go get the crown, Chilled." Ze whispers.

"I don't want the crowd, I want my boyfriend back." I whisper loudly, "I'll prove it."

Before he disagrees, I quickly run up to the stage and grab the microphone from the announcer, "there's something that needs to be said to all of you about one certain person here," Jess tries to grab the microphone from my grasp but fails, "they are the most beautiful person in this world, they are my world, I had to be without them for a fucking month, I died, my heart broke, I was broken. I couldn't sleep at night, I couldn't eat properly, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't do anything. I left this person without giving them any reasons why, but I didn't choose to, it was forced. I love this person, so much and I want them back but I don't know if they feel the same way about me. So what do you say mysterious person?"

I start walking towards Ze, "what do you say?"

I reach him, I get down on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

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