-Chapter 30-

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-Chapter 30-

-Ze's POV-

Chilled reaches me.

I start to panic.

He really feels that strongly about me. I didn't really think I'd see him again since the hotel.

He kneels on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

My heart freezes and my breathing slows.

"W-What?" I whisper.

Did, did he just ask me to marry him?

He stands up and leans close to my ear and whispers, "will you marry me, Ze?"

My hand reaches up to touch his cheekbone, he tenses. I flatten out my hand and kindly slap him.

He rests his hand on the mark I have just created, "I deserved that."

"You did. You made me hurt so much. You left me alone. I was scared. I needed someone there. If you loved me you wouldn't of stayed." I whisper.

"You would've got hurt." He insists.

"I didn't care. I'd do that for you. I'll die for you. I have always felt like that from the beginning. You weren't a mistake. I want you Anthony. You are my world and I shouldn't of let you slip away so easier." I whisper.

"For serious Steven, what's the answer?" He asks.

"I love you Anthony. I want to be your husband." I whisper.

His smile widens and he grabs my waist and lifts me up, twirling me around. He presses his lips against mine. I kiss back.

I pull away smiling. He smiles down at me and takes my hand.

"Let's go home." He says.

We start to walk off but then I see Seamus looking kind of jealous. I turn to look all around at my friends. They're all smiling and saying words of encouragement, apart from two. Seamus and James.

"One second. I need to do sown thing important." I whisper to Chilled.

I let go of his hand and jog over to Seamus. I throw my arms over him, and whisper, "make a move buddy, it'll work out great, I promise."

I feel him hug me tighter, "who is it?"

He lets go and turns around. He heads towards James and whispers something to him. James smile lights up. They then hug.

I smile and turn back to Anthony whose smiling proudly because of me.

I take his hand and walk beside him, "Steven, I love you, and I don't regret meeting you."

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