-Chapter 35-

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-Chapter 34-

-Chilled's POV-

We're are now in Colorado.

Ze's cuddled up to me in the back of the car.

He smiles at me.

"Hey, eh Jordan, can you drop us off at mine?" I ask.

He nods.

After a few minutes we're at mine.

I get out and then open the door for him. He climbs out. We then head instead to my flat.

"So you're serious about the marriage thing?" Ze asks placing down the bags.

I put the rest of the bags beside them, "as serious as I can be, but it's all up to you."

He takes my hands, "of course, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and being yours forever is something I'd like to claim." Ze grins.

I place a kiss on his lips, "when should we sort things out?"

"Tomorrow, get your arse in bed, I'm tired and want more cuddles." Ze says, pulling off his shirt and heading into the bedroom.

I copy what he does and then follow him, laying down beside him.

I wrap my arms around him, kissing his neck.

"What's with James and Seamus?" I ask, curious.

"Oh, I'm just magic." He smirks.

"I know your magic, everything you have is magic." I tease.

He rests his hand on my chest, "my wand is the best though."

I scoff, "mines better!"

"You'll have to show me some time." He smirks.

"In your dreams!" I chuckle, running my hand through his hair.

"Right on point, that is exactly it." He claims, "that is what I dream about."

I laugh, I kiss his forehead, "sleep, Ze."

Things go silent.

"Promise me I won't wake up and you'll be gone," Ze whispers.

"I promise Ze, I'll be right here when you wake up." I say, caressing his head.

He soon falls asleep, along with me after a bit.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating and yeah it's a little shitty but I promise better things will come and I hope you all had a nice Christmas!

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