-Chapter 11-

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-Chapter 11-

-GaLm's POV-

"I love you John." I say, lifting his face up towards me.

"I love you too Anthony." John says, looking into my eyes.

I lean in to kiss him and he does the same.

-Ze's POV-

I close my door and slump down against the door.

GaLm and Smarty do not see how lucky they are to have each other.

Literally, they love each other a lot but they seem to not understand that maybe one day, it'll be taken away from them like Chilled was taken from me. Yeah, GaLm's and Smarty's argument wasn't that bad but to me, it was. Because all I got from Chilled was a note. I didn't even get to argue back or talk to him. He just wrote a note. A note saying goodbye and how much he loves me. Was he too scared to tell me in person or did he want to get rid of me quicker? GaLm and Smarty are luckier than they think they are.

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