-Chapter 23-

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-Chapter 23-

-Ze's POV-

As the guys still wanted to go out and eat again, keeping in mind its nearly 10 at night, we all agreed at a place to eat.

Today has been a long day so I'm really tired but something cute catches my sight.

"Oh my god. He's smoking." I gasp, looking at a tanned guy, whose topless.

"I didn't know you bent that way, Ze!" Aleks says laughing, obviously hearing me.

Everyone else agrees while Smartly and GaLm laugh awkwardly.

"Ah well... I do.." I say trying to sound calm, "I'm gay."

Aleks stops and stares at me. I start to panic. But then his smile widens and he pulls me into a massive hug.

"I'm so proud of you buddy! Finally discovering who you are!" Aleks says smiling.

"20 dollars!" James screams at Jordan.

"W-Wait... W-What??" I Sutter.

"That's unfair!" Jordan groans, holding out the $20 for James to take.

James grabs it, "It's obvious! Use common sense man!"

"You guys bet on me being gay?" I ask shyly.

"Yes! But you know we love you bro!" James says wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing my head.

I blush, "Love you too man!"

"No homo!" James says with a slight hint of guilt in his eyes.

A few minutes after that the guys seem to have gone back to their own conversations. Seamus brushes his arm up against me, slowly pulling me to a halt to let the others go ahead.

"Ze..." Seamus says quietly.

"Yeah Seamus?" I whisper, glancing at him.

He looks scared and just over all frightened.

"I need your help." He whispers.

"With?" I ask, still looking at him.

His face has gone red now, like he's embarrassed.

"Seamus, You know you can tell me anything!" I say.

"I-I'm gay..." He whispers.

Well, I was not expecting that. I look at him and smile.

"Seamus, that's great! When did you realize this?" I ask.

"When, this guy I like, started talking to me more and took notice of me. I couldn't stop thinking about him and it made me so sexually frustrated!" He says groaning, getting more relaxed with me.

"I know that feeling dude! You get used to it sooner or later, but you know what. Whoever the guy is, he's super lucky!" I say smiling and wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

He smiles and nods, "He sure is."

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