-Chapter 28-

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-Chapter 28-

-Smarty's POV-

I head over back to the others. It's just me, GaLm, Dan, Seamus and Jordan. The others have gone dancing.

"Chilled's here, he said hi." I say.

GaLm looks at me, "what?"

"Chilled's here." I repeat.

"Oh my god! I'm so glad he's okay!" GaLm smiles.

I laugh and hug GaLm tightly, "how's Ze?"

"Looks for yourself." Galm says pointing in the direction of the dance floor.

There dances Ze, not crazily, with Aleks beside him.

James, however, is so drunk dancing beside Jordan. Jordan is just standing there laughing his head off.

I laugh to myself.

Suddenly someone coughs into a microphone, "excuse me, we are about to announce the most amazing people here."

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