Day 1

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Steven is getting up just like he does every morning. He is heading into his history class today and some form of communication class in the evening and he is excited. Just the last year, he was kidnapped, tortured, and nearly got his memory erased. He was shocked to discover that his fraternity friend was involved. Now, he is just trying to move on. He is now 20 years old. He put on Nike shoes, a T-shirt, a shorts, and walked out that door after eating 2 sausage biscuits that he had purchased at the frozen breakfast section at a local supermarket a day earlier. It also had swiss cheese inside.

He walked to class on the 3rd floor of the Historical Building. Professor Newton was 39 years old and he announced the assignment. Today, I want all of you to go home and study a historical event from any country. Then, I want you to write a one paper paper explaining how it changed that country. Cite it. I expect great papers. Now I want all of you to turn to page 121 in your history textbook and read for the rest of class and then you be dismissed. Think carefully about your event because I want you to break it down well.

After class, Steven went back to his dorm room and he thought about what he is going to write about. Then it hit him. He was going to write about the battle of the Alamo. 500 Texans stood their ground in San Antonio, Texas inside the structure and it paved the way for Texas to defeat Mexico in a war that changed the USA forever. He left the safety of his dorm and went to the library to find some books for his paper.

In the other side of campus, Coach Traylor was working on setting up drills for the school's football team. For now, he have just 5 committed players and that is not enough. He decided to go on the school's social media and spread word about it. It caught the attention of 18 year old Billy Roland, who is a high school quarterback that entered Trinity College just this fall and he invited a couple of his friends to try out with him. Let's do this he thought.

Steven started to work on his paper at The Quad after he had checked out 5 books on the Alamo topic. He finished in one hour. He made sure to cite all his sources. Then, he returned to his dorm and put his paper and books on his desk. Then he ate fried chicken sandwich with collared greens for lunch and took a nap. He did not notice someone taking photos of him from the outside of his room. Steven had left his window shades open and that will be the beginning of his troubles.

To be Continued

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