Tammy, is she guilty

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As Tammy was sleeping in her jail cell, Nathan was trying to prove she is responsible for committing a major fraud against Steven. He realized that Tammy was in jail for a serious crime so he could not interview her at the moment so he resorted to a new method of investigation. Nathan spoke with her parents Dylan and Brittany. Is this something she would actually do? said Nathan. We can see her doing this, but only for attention said her parents in unison. Why would she do this? said Nathan. She is easily angered by the simpliest of things Brittany replied. Okay, but why Steven? commented Nathan. He did not ask her out on a second date said Dylan.

The next day, Nathan reported his findings to the school dean, who cleared Steven of any wrongdoing. He expelled Tammy from Trinity College. Steven was incredibly relieved that he was vindicated, but he was shocked that he was at the center of 2 cases within 2 years. He hoped this kind of thing will not happen to him anymore, but there was no gurantee that it will not occur again. So Nathan was determined to protect Steven at all costs.

To be Continued

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