Charles Ray

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Charles Ray is 9 years old in 2014. All he is thinking of is starting his own lemonade stand. It's in Holy Grail in Pittsburgh. However, he is not starting off well. His non traditional lemonade drinks are not as popular as he thinks it will be. 3 flavors are his concept. Strawberry, Lychee, and Orange. When mixed with traditional lemonade, it's great flavor for his family but neighbors do not think so. He charges $2 but with no support, he wants to give up. Then a policeman pesters him. Apparently, in this city, selling lemonade requires a permit. He is angry and quits his business. This law is for adults but a kid should not be held to it. His older brother Francis is in middle school and he decides to help his brother out. He convinces his parents Andy and Jasmine to help Charles get a permit. They go to the business permit office, and applies for it. It is successful. Charles Ray earns 2000 dollars within the first year. One big improvement was his use of advertisement. Flyers are made and passed out to every household in the neighborhood. This makes him feel great about himself.

Back in the present, Charles Ray is found walking down the road adjacent to the college alone. He is stopped by a police officer because it appears he is drunk. They give him a test, and he passes so he is allowed to leave. Charles Ray walks to Steven's home and knocks on the door. Steven is shocked because it's 12 am. Hi, why are you here so early? says Steven. I want to apologize for taking photos of you without your permission replies Charles. Are you kidding me? Do you know that can get you arrested for stalking not to mention that is creepy? says Steven. Listen to me, I think I know who is accusing you of cheating on your paper. What do you know about it? said Steven.

Your friend Ryan is not who you think he is.


Charles now 11 years old is trying to help his friend. Someone in the elementary school stole his lunch money. His friend name is Dustin and he is 10 years old. They are a grade apart but they met in the lunch room. Charles stakes out his friend's backpack and there is a fake $5 bill in there. The cafeteria's food is not cheap. A hot dog costs $2. A burger costs $3. Pizza costs $4. Yogurt costs $1.50. And the list goes on like forever. Dustin is afraid he won't be able to buy anything for lunch and he will be very hungry. It is also an injustice that the school charges elementary kids for lunch anyways. Soon at 10:30 am, 10 year old Sabrina approaches the backpack and she opens one pocket with the zipper and steals the decoy money. Charles follows her until she reaches a corner. He puts his arm around her left arm and squeezes hars. Stop! that hurts she says. Listen to me, do not steal a kid's lunch money again he says. Okay, I won't do it again. Now, go an apologize to Dustin Storm now. Fine she says. One hour later, all is well. Charles recovers the real money she stole from Dustin, which allows his friend to buy a grilled cheese for lunch and a soda.

Present Day:

Steven was shocked at Charles accusation. How do you know me? Steven replies. I saw you at the first movie event. I was the one that signed you in to watch the movie. Man, you got to stop following me said Steven. I will replies Charles. Okay, what do I not know about Ryan? says Steven. Ryan is very smart, but he has a reason to get you expelled. You see, he is a failure. He is currently failing 2 classes and he is jealous of you. Steven is not willing to believe this. Charles then holds out a tape recorder and hits play. "I'm jealous of Steven. He is so smart. I am so dumb. There has to be something I can do to beat him in college". Oh wow replies Steven. However, this does not mean he is responsible for framing me. I'm not saying I'm one hundred percent confident he is doing this, but if you find out he is doing this, you need to tell someone says Charles. Okay replies Steven.


He is walking down the mall in the town which only have 8 stores. 4 clothing stores. A small food court with 4 restaurants, and a movie theater. He ducks into New Teen Life and buys a shirt that says, "don't mess with me" and leaves after spending $50.


He returns to the lawyer office to report to Nathan what Charles Ray said to him. Are you sure about this? says Nathan. I'm not sure I can trust Charles, but its worth looking into right? Yes you're right replies Nathan. Let me take care of it and you return to school tomorrow and act normal.

To be Continued

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