Day 2- Morning

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Steven woke up at exactly 7 am to work on his paper some more. Sam Houston loved to make the big decisions on the battlefield. What people forgot is that in war, some decisions are not good ones. He made the decision to remove weapons from the Alamo. Before the seige, he looked calm as he attended a party. James Bowie died likely of an illness. To understand the issue, you have to understand that sometimes life throws curveballs at you but the great measure of a man is how they respond after a loss. Texas defeated Mexico because they had more of a win at all cost response and their mentality was, this is for Texas.

He cited his sources, and put his paper in a black bag and left for Newton's history class without eating breakfast. At 9:45 am, he turned in his paper and that was it. He sat through a Newton's lectute of the original 13 colonies and then he left with a friend. Tammy Sue is 18 years old and is a freshman. She wants to study political law but right now, she is conflicted on trying sociology instead. They went to the Chili's on campus to eat lunch. Tammy ordered the chili and Steven ordered the boneless wings. So, how is your life in college so far? said Tammy. I don't know. I have not attended any events so far and Mr. Newton is not a very good teacher said Steven. Yeah, he talks so monotone and its hard to understand him replied Tammy. How about we see the movie at campus today? suggested Tammy. Sure, and what time does it start? said Steven. 7 pm replied Tammy.

Steven was excited. Could this be his first date in college? Now Steven wants to know if this could be taken to the next level, but he could not be positive about this. He was of course 2 years older than Tammy but he decided to wait and see what happens before he officially asks her out on a real date. At the moment, he said goodbye and went back to his dorm to read and study the history book. He memorized dates, key events, quotes, and commentary included by college professors and historians.

It was 6:30 when he went to Shirley's auditorium to watch "Spider Man" the original 2008 flick with Tammy. The movie was free. They found a good seat in the auditorium in the center of it. Steven interlaced his fingers into Tammy's fingers, but she pulled away. This is not apporiate said Tammy. We are not dating said Tammy. Okay, I'm sorry said Steven. 90 minutes later, the movie ended.

That was not a good movie said Steven. Yeah, I think the dialouge was cheesy replied Tammy. The plot was scrambled and hard to follow replied Steven. This college need to show better movies said Tammy. Well, there is a new movie every Friday said Steven. The problem is, they are showing The Disaster Artist next Friday and I heard it was a box office bomb in the movie theater 3 years ago said Tammy. I guess it all depends on whether it's good or its bad replied Steven. Again, I apologize for grabbing your hand today said Steven. It's just that I recently broke up with my boyfriend because I caught him cheating with my best friend and I was very upset. Oh I'm sorry to hear that said Steven. I'm not ready to date again until I am ready myself and I'm glad you respect my decision replied Tammy.

Steven said his goodbye to Tammy and they went on their separate ways. Steven decided to do his debate homework. He had to argue between another sports debate between whether or not hockey is the better sport or soccer and he will present 2nd in class after its finished the day after tomorrow. He decided to argue for hockey.

To be Continued

The Fellowship of Trinity College- The Cheating Scandalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن