A new suspect emerges

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It was now clear to Nathan that he needs to focus on a new suspect. He turns his attention to Tammy, who had temporarily became Steven's girlfriend. There was not a second date after the movie date. So, Nathan ran a background check on Tammy and found out that when she was 12, she was arrested for making a threat against her middle school and had spent 20 days in a juvenile jail, something she did not tell Steven on their first date. When Nathan notified Steven of this, he was horrified and he asked Tammy to meet him at the Quad. When she arrived, he broke it off with her and she stormed off in anger after she slapped him. It seemed silly and inconsiderate that Steven would allow her past to be the sole reason he would end the relationship. Tammy had been rejected by other boys before, but she had thought that Steven would be different but she was wrong.

Tammy had decided to drink alcohol at her friend's apartment to deal with the news, but she was denied by her friend Higo who is 22 and is a Philosophy major. This made Tammy spiral out of control and she decided to take her anger out on the world. She saw a couple get into a black car on campus and she dived at the car and opened the door as the car was backing out. She put a knife at the female's throat and demanded she exited the vehicle. The women was 18 year old Gina Maybear, and is a student on campus studying physical thearphy for alethics and she was horrified and left immeditely, but her boyfriend was not so fortunate and he was now a hostage as Tammy closed the door and drove away and made a left towards Damien Road.

Gina contacted the police and gave them the vehicle's license plate number. The APB was instrumental in locating the vehicle. It was driving on state highway 55. It seemed difficult to chase the vehicle, but officer Mike Peterson did not want the suspect to get away. He did a pit manuvear and the car hit the guardrail, injuring Tammy and Patrick, but it was a good stop. Patrick had minor injuries and was transported to the hospital to be treated. Tammy was healed on site, and she was handcuffed and taken to the local jail. She was fingerprinted, her mug shots taken, and was taken to the interrogation room downtown. You do realize that carjacking and taking a hostage is a felony, right? said Detective Carly. She had been with the force for 32 years. Listen to me, my boyfriend broke up with me and I was expressing my anger at the world replied Tammy.

While Tammy was taken to her jail cell, lawyer Nathan had obtained a search warrant for Tammy's room and he found a diary and it seemed innocent until he flipped to page 28. It had one paragraph. Frame Steven for cheating on his history paper and get him expelled from Trinity College. Task 1- Steal his paper by hiring someone to take pictures of his paper. Do this without any kind of delay. Task 2- Accuse him of cheating to the dean and the professor.

To be Continued

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