Day 3- Accused

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Steven was about to leave for class in the morning when he received a letter from the dean.

Dear Steven,

You have been accused by a student for copying his term paper he wrote a year earlier. Due to this accusation, you are no longer allowed to attend Mr. Newton's class. You are summoned to report for a hearing at 8 am today at the Court in the South of campus today. As of now, you could be subject to expulsion from school if you are found guilty of the charges laid out against you.

Your Dean,


What the devil is going on here? as Steven slammed his fist against the wall. He walked to the hearing without saying a word to anyone.

He decided to call his lawyer Nathan Odom Taylor. Listen to me Steven, you do not say anything until I get there, okay? Sure thing. Steven entered the hearing room in the beautiful courthouse.

Glad you can join us Steven. Now your accuser said you copied his Battle of the Alamo paper in your history class. I did no such thing. Well, he said you did. Then let me face my accuser in person said Steven. Oh no, that's not until later on in this procedding. In your paper, you mentioned Bowie and he did too. You used the same opening line as he did. Let me tell you something, that's purely concidential and had nothing to do with cheating. Furthermore, I cited my sources just the way the professor wanted.

That is when Nathan arrived. Who are you young man? said the Dean. I'm his lawyer. What did I say about not saying anything? he said to Steven. Sorry, but I was not about to let my life be ruined by some unfair and baseless accusation said Steven.

I want this line of questioning to stop right away said Nathan. Sorry but your cilent is not even formally charged with anything yet. This is just a simple discussion. I have you know that under USA vs Georgina (1990), that any form of discussion that is related to a civil or criminal matter constitutes an interrogation and violation of a suspect's rights. Let's go Steven. Nathan and Steven walked out the courthouse.

They went to the Quad in the center of campus. I have no idea why they are accusing you of cheating, but they have no right to speak to you in that matter. So tell me, did you do it? No of course I did not said Steven. I think someone is out to get you expelled from this school and we need to find out why. From now on, do not say anything to anyone because if you do, you could find yourself in more serious trouble than what it started out as said Nathan. I know, but this is not what I expected when I got accepted to this great University replied Steven. Don't you worry, I vow to clear you of all charges.

Back at the courthouse, the dean was fuming. Let's dig out everything we can on Steven. No sir, we need a court order for this, and right now we do not have one said Detective Gina Wilkerson. That does not apply for anything on the public domain said Raddison. They inputted Steven's name in the goggle search bar. It turns out he was kidnapped and rescued a year back. This may be the reason why he cheated said Raddison. I do not buy that said Gina. Boys do not just simply throw away their future as easy as that without a better explanation.

We need to uncover his family life. I don't think you want to do that. Yes we do.

To be Continued

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