Game 2- The Crosspoint Bears

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The next game was against the Crosspoint Bears who is known for high prolific offense. It was 7 pm game on the road across the state on the other side of Maine. Then, it was delayed for a day due to rain. The next day at 7 pm, it was game time. The Trinity College Eagles was ready to play and coming off a win, it was a great feeling. Billy Roland was excited.

The coin flip was made and the Bears are the receiving team. Starting quarterback Willy has a lot to prove after the Bears went 7-5 the last season and made the playoffs but fell in the 1st round against the Dolphins. Now, he is a senior and this is his final chance to impress NFL teams as he plans to declare for the draft after the season. His offense is ready for him. He throws the ball to the left corner and his wide receiver Dante catches it and runs it forward for 15 yards. The next play was intense. The Eagles Vera tackles Willy for a loss of 5 yards. The crowd boos in shock. The weather is nice today. Sunny with blue sky and white clouds. Tickets are sold out for the game as 2,000 fans are in attendance.

Let's do this roared Willy's girlfriend Andrea in the stands. Willy steps out of the pocket and runs the ball himself, dodging Vera and Sam along the way for a 11 yard gain. It's a crucial 3rd down right now. Willy hands the ball off to his halfback Colton Rice who is also projected to be drafted by the Dallas Cowboys. Colton runs down the left sideline before he is pushed out of bounds at the 46 yard line for an impressive gain. Now the crowd is energized and waving their hands in the air. Willy throws the ball down the field to his other wide receiver Levi and it is caught for a touchdown. The extra point is good. [7-0 Bears]

Next it's Billy's turn to lead the Eagles. He receives the snap, and throws the ball to his wide receiver Rain who had cut in the middle to the left but in a shocking event, it is intercepted by tight end Bruce Arty and it's returned for a crushing touchdown. [14-0 Bears]. Billy had underthrown the pass which is unlike him. The ball is punted back to the Eagles.

Billy is under a lot of pressure now to lead his team to a score. Based on that last play, it will be difficult to overcome that and make it work. Billy steps out the pocket and throws the ball to Rain again but once again its intercepted and returned for a touchdown. The rest of the game is bad for Trinity College. They end up losing 45-0. It's their worst school loss in their history.

To be Continued

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