take down.

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Derek watched as Delilah remained curled up on their bed. She hadn't moved at all through the night and her ever present violet scent was now overpowered by one of stress. If he wasn't aware of her soft breathing and steady heartbeat he would be more concerned about her current state. 

He had left the bedroom, slowly pulling way from Delilah's back where he had earlier held her close to him while he watched the sun rise out the bedroom window. He was intent to fetch her a morning coffee, in hopes of making her smile.

Upon entering the kitchen, he was surprised to find Issac already up and in front of the stove. Not really caring what he was doing, he moved to the coffee maker to flip it on.

"You shouldn't giver her caffeine if she is still stressed," Issac murmured to his alpha. 

"But she drinks it every morning?" Derek questioned, a bit unsure if Issac was right or not. Normally he would tell the kid to screw off but his attitude changed where Delilah was concerned.

"I know but the caffeine may actually agitate her more." 

Issac had a far away look in his eye as he turned his gaze to look out the kitchen window. "Before my mom died, my dad would make her a cup of mint tea, every morning before she left for work." Derek looked over and watched as Issac slightly smiled to himself. "She always said it would calm her mind before her shift and when ever he would hand it to her, my dad would lean in and kiss her cheek. It never failed to make her smile."

Issac picked up the hot water he had been boiling on the stove top and poured it into a large blue cup he had set up on the counter. The kitchen filled with the aroma of cooling mint as the leaves steeped. 

Derek watched as Issac returned a small tin to the cupboard before turning to the cup and watching the leaves swirl.

"It became a routine with them, much like you bringing Delilah coffee in the morning. It became one of my favourite memories as a kid."

Judging that the tea had steeped for long enough, he removed the leaves and pushed the cup over to Derek.

Derek accepted the hot drink and smiled his first true smile at the boy. "Thank you."

Not waiting for a reply, he headed up the stairs and back to Delilah.

She was still in the centre of the bed with the blanket roughly clutched in her hand. Her position had not changed with his absence.  He sighed as he saw her eyes had finally opened and were staring blankly at the opposite wall.

Setting the cup down on her table, crawled back into bed behind her and pulled her tightly into his body. She easily moved into him and he reached around her to unclench her hands. The blanket fell against the bed and her hand quickly wrapped with his tightly, seeking his comfort. 

As gently as he could, Derek pulled her to sit up against the headboard with him. Reaching to his side,  he grabbed the cup from the side table and delicately wrapped her hands around it.

"Drink," he whispered into her hair, before placing a kiss on her head.

Delilah listened and slowly brought the drink to her lips to blow on the hot liquid before taking a sip. She knew it was mint tea from the smell but she didn't expect the uncoiling from her limbs as the liquid made it past her lips. Derek sat quietly next to her as she silently sipped. His hand was moving through her hair, enjoying the peaceful moment.  

Derek's phone lite up next to the bed and upon seeing the name he moved away from Delilah to take the call. "I'll be right back," he said.

Delilah didn't move but she kept slowly drinking from her cup.

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