family matters.

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"Issac, get up," Delilah called through his closed bedroom door.

She could hear faint grumbling on the other side but the door never open.

Frustrated, Delilah decided to bring in reinforcements. "Derek!" She called.

Issac's door flew open and the boy came running out. "I'm up! I'm up!" He yelled. His shirt was on backwards and he only had one sock on his feet. 

"Finally," Delilah sighed as she returned to the kitchen to butter a stack of toast on the counter. Issac followed behind with his remaining sock in his hand.

"Eat so we can get going. I want to catch the sheriff when he first gets in."

"Is that why, there is a giant stack of blueberry muffins in the basket by the door?"


"You know we don't have to bribe him, especially if they've excused me of all suspicion."

"I'm not bribing him, I'm just softening him up, so he doesn't think I'm just going to hide every fugitive in Beacon Hills from him in this house."

"Far enough," Issac said as he helped himself to the toast.

Delilah ruffled his hair as she walked by and directed Issac to eat over the sink if he insisted on not using a plate. She originally thought it was a teenager trait until she caught Derek doing the same thing one day.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth when you're done," she yelled back at him as she took to the stairs.

"Yes, mom!" Issac called back.

Delilah rolled her eyes and checked her phone for the time. Just enough left to fix her hair and maybe have a second coffee.

Tucking her phone into her skirt pocket  Delilah didn't realize she was about to crash into a wall of leather.

"Woo there beautiful, where do you think you're going in such a rush?"

Delilah held her hands up as she braced herself against Derek's chest. His must have just come from the bedroom as he was still sleeping soundly in the bed when she had woken earlier to start the day. Their current position reminded her of when they first meet and she couldn't stop the blush from forming across her cheeks.

Derek leaned down and peeked her lips. Delilah didn't realize her hands were tightening on the lapels of his jacket. She loved that jacket.

"I have to take Issac to Noah today."

"I know that. But where are you going right now?"

Delilah moved her hands up to her hair to smooth her curls.

"I was going to fix my hair before leaving."

Derek took a step forward and leaned into her. Delilah felt herself back into a bookshelf against the wall. He skimmed his nose against her neck to take in her scent.

"And how long do you think that will take? 10 minutes? 15?"

"Maybe?" She gulped.

"Because if you could spare a few of those minutes I definitely have a way we could wisely use them."

Delilah gasped as Derek grasped the back of her thighs and pulled her up his body.

"Derek!" She squealed. "Issac is right downstairs."

"Actually he is on the porch swing with his headphones on."

Delilah didn't waste anytime as she quickly smashed her lips with his. Derek grunted and returned her passion with equal force.

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