one last whisper.

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Derek grunted as he looked at Deucalion with confusion. Trap her? What the hell did he mean trap her?

Delilah panicked next to him as she tried to flinch away from the man. His fingers were cold against her chin and his touch made her skin crawl. Above all else she looked furious, absolutely furious as Kali pulled tighter on Delilah's hair to keep her in a kneeling position next to Derek.

Deucalion sighed as he dropped his hold from her face.

"Sorry about this, Derek-" he said as he gestured to the pipe embedded into his back with his cane. "I asked Kali to be gentle, but..."

Delilah couldn't see her but she knew the woman was probably smirking as she twisted the rushed metal again just the tiniest bit. He felt the rough sides of the old pipe scrap against his insides as he tried to suck in a breath.

"This is me being gentle."

"Let... let them go... let her go." Derek wheezed. 

"I can't do that with this one." He gestured to Delilah who was no longer looking at him, much to his annoyance. She only had a concerned look for Derek.

"But..." He signalled to the other alpha that held Cora down, to let her up. "See? We're not unreasonable!"

Delilah watched Cora scramble away from the alpha as she rubbed at her neck and took in a deep breath. A bruise will have surely formed across her collar bone, another injury to add to the others that Delilah knew had not yet healed.

Derek took in a staggering breath, the deepest he had managed to do since he was impaled. "What want? You want... to kill me? Us?"

His eyes searched out for Delilah at his side for comfort as he heard her whimper at his weakened tone. Delilah locked with him and tried to keep a calm face but it was hard to do when the knees of her pants felt damp from Derek's blood continuously dripping on the floor.

Deucalion scoffed as he leaned on his cane. "You really think I'm that boring? Don't throw me in with sociopaths like your uncle! I'm a man with far more vision than simple murder..."

"Then why are you here?" Delilah seethed. Her scalp was burning from Kali's tightened hold.

"Oh my little love, I'm here to show you just how much vision a blind man can have."

Delilah had the urge to spit in his red eyes as he took off his sunglasses to look at them. His dramatics where completely unnecessary.

A soft whine came from next to her as Derek tried not to move even the slightest. She imagined his body was trying heal around the foreign object through his back with no such success.

"You're killing him!" Cora screamed as she heard her brother's quiet cry for help.

Kali glanced at the younger werewolf and shook her head in a a playful gesture that done by anyone else would seem innocent. "Not yet, little sister... But I could."

She shrugged as she looked down at Derek, "who knows if it's five minutes or five hours before it's too late to take this thing out? But, just to be on the safe side, Deuc, you might want to get to the point..."

He sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "now you see the one problem with being in an Alpha Pack? Everybody wants to make the decisions! Me? I'm more about discovering new talents..."

"New talent?" Delilah questioned. Her fingers were digging into Kali's hands where she tried to stop her from pulling harder on her hair. A slight pain began to build in the alpha's hand, much to the woman's annoyance and confusion.

"Yes, like Derek and you my dear."

Derek grunted weakly as he spoke for  both of them, "not interested."

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