Hi Doll.

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"It's funny cause I've always dreamed of me and you now here we are, starin at the stars."


I ran through the halls of the hospital, my breath hitching as I saw her name on the door. Tess. The white walls of the hospital blinded me as I took a step inside her room, and seeing her unconscious body broke my heart in two.

She had cuts all over her beautiful fair-skinned face. Her shoulder length ebony black hair was neatly placed on her shoulder by a kind nurse, and it was in tight wound curls.

Her eyes fluttered as they were closed, making me miss her beautiful hazel brown eyes. The way when the right amount of sunlight hit, they shined into my heart. She was sent by God himself, only to be attempted to be taken back.

She had tubes running up her hands and arms, and the heart monitor was beeping steadily. Her breaths were even, and I wished I could wake her up. To be able to hear her beautiful laugh. To give her a big hug and tell her everything is going to be okay.

As soon as I got the call, I sped to the hospital. I knew Tessa wasn't supposed to go meet Wanda for lunch. I knew it deep down. I should have gone with her. And now she just about died in a car accident. Three fractured ribs, broken femur, dislocated shoulder, and severe trauma to the head.

I sat down in the chair next to her bed, grabbing her frail hand in my human one. I couldn't bear to hurt her anymore than she already was, even though she was the first person to ever make me feel comfortable about this menace of metal located on my left shoulder. My eyes never left her beautiful face as I watched her sleep, needing to make sure every movement was calm and collected.

"Mr. Barnes?" The dr said from the door. My head perked up, turning to see the very skinny man standing in the doorway.

"That's me," I said quietly, "is my wife alright?"

"Your wife is stable sir," the doctor smiled, stopping his sentence.

"but?" I asked, "there's gotta be a but."

"But from her traumatic head injury, she will most likely have amnesia and won't remember most of her life," he said sadly, "but 3/10 amnesia patients come to their senses in a few months. Try jogging her memory with memories of the two of you. Pictures. I'm sure she'll come through."

My heart dropped. She won't remember me.

"I know she will," I whispered as I turned back to look at her , "my little fighter." I sighed, rubbing my thumb over her small hand to try and give at least a little comfort. "When will she wake up?"

"In a few hours. You may not want to be here when she does," Dr. Harris said, "she may freak out."

"I understand," I nodded, "But I'll have 15 minutes?"

"Yes sir," Dr. Harris smiled, "I'll call you in when she wakes up."

"Thank you."

Dr. Harris nodded before leaving me with my wife. My unconscious, broken wife who I promised to protect. To keep safe.

"I'm so sorry for not being there doll. I had a feeling you shouldn't have left the house this morning. And I didn't offer to come with you because I was too busy arguing with Sam," I whispered, kissing her forehead softly, "but I am going to nothing but love you and help you through this. I promise."

My eyes couldn't leave her bruised face, and I knew I had to leave before she woke up. It took everything I could to let her wake up on her own, to be with the nurses rather than me by her side. But I knew it would be for the best. I shook my head as I walked out to the waiting room, calling Steve to update him on my Tessa.

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