I remember you

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"Even if it takes ten years."

- Tessa -

As my eyes went black for the few moments, I thought my life was over. I thought I had died. Until I saw myself standing in my living room, watching Bucky who was standing in the kitchen while making me breakfast.

"Hi doll," he smiled, flipping a pancake onto a plate, "did you have a good sleep?"

I tried to ask him what was going on, but it was like my body had a mind of its own.

"so good," I whispered, rubbing my eyes as I slid my feet across the floor towards him. He put the last pancake on the plate as he turned off the stove, turning and wrapping his arms around me as he leaned down to kiss me.

And as he kissed me, it was like everything clicked. Like every puzzle piece that was missing, suddenly showed up and finished the puzzle. It connected every dot.

That wedding- Bucky and I's wedding.

That New Years- the year Bucky and I got together.

Valentine's Day- the day Bucky and I binge watched all of the romantic movies.

My birthday- the day he took me out for dinner and bowling when everyone else forgot.

I remember.

I remember everything!

I wanted to cry. I finally remembered my life. The good, the bad, the mediocre. I remembered everything. And I have never felt as thankful to remember the bad stuff as I am now. I remember my husband. And that's when it hit me.

I remember my husband.

And then my heart dropped, my mind immediately flooding with questions. How much pain did I put him through? Does he regret staying with me? Would he have given up on me if I didn't remember?

I pushed those thoughts away, finding the way to get out of my own head. And it was the easiest fucking thing. A huge white door that said EXIT on it. God I love my mind. Simple and straight forward. I pushed my way through the door, tunneling back into the hospital as my eyes scanned the room fearfully. Where the fuck is Bucky?

"James?" I asked as I became panicky, "Bucky? Bucky where are you?!"

I heard rustling from next to me, and I looked over to see Bucky sitting up on the couch, completely exhausted yet ready to protect me at any moment.

"Huh?? What's going on?" He asked groggily, "are you okay doll?"

"Buck," I whispered, and he woke up a little more, "I remember you."

His face froze. Almost like he was trying to figure out what to say next, "you do?"

"I remember you James," I said as my eyes watered, "you're my husband."

"Tessa?!" He exclaimed, his eyes going wide as he quickly threw his arms around me, "oh my god. You're finally back!"

"I'm back baby," I whispered, holding back tears, "I'm finally back."

"I thought I lost you," he said as he held me close, "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I said as I started to cry, "I missed you so much!"

"My baby has come home!" He exclaimed, "my baby is home!"

He pulled me onto his lap, cupping my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

"God you're beautiful," he whispered, and my cheeks were beginning to turn red.

"I really don't think being in a hospital go-"

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