Redheads 😭👩🏻‍🦰

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"Maybe when your life is on track, and you don't have to hesitate, hopefully it isn't too late."

- Tony -

I see the kiddo today, and for once, I don't know what to say. Especially because I always have something to say.

Romanoff says that I input my opinion too much, but how will we succeed if I'm not the one in control? Rogers always tries to be the "leader" of fucking everything. Can the old man just let the smart ones deal with this stuff and go read a newspaper? Jeez.

"When we go in, we can't mention Bucky and them being married," Nat reminded, and I rolled my eyes.

"We went over this a million times Romanov."

"And yet you still don't understand how much this is to Bucky," she sighed, "get your head out of your ass and man up."

"You first."

"Fuck you Tony," she frowned as she opened the door, "hi Tessa!"

"Who are you guys? Where's Bucky?" Tessa asked, moving farther away from us on her bed. I was too stunned for words. She didn't even recognize me.


Of all people.

"Hi honey," Nat smiled, "Bucky couldn't come today because he had some work to do. He really wanted to but we made him get it done. I'm Natasha, but you can call me Nat. And this is Tony." And I waved with a small smile.

"I saw you on TV," Tessa smiled, "you're some rich guy or something."

"Everyone's favorite," I grinned, and Nat hit me.

But Tessa laughed, "are you guys continuing the story?"

"No sweetie," Nat said softly, "we're here to tell you stories of times we've had with you before your accident to maybe jog your memory."

I watched Tessa's face light up, and for once I felt sorry for someone. She was a whole different person. "Okay!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands a few times, "what first?"

"I'll go first, Nat go away," I said as I shooed her away. She gave me a warning stare before raising her hands up in defense and leaving the room.

"I'll go get us some coffee then I guess," she sighed as she shut the door behind her.

"Okay. Where do I start?" I asked myself, sitting down in the chair next to her bed.

"Maybe the day I met you?" She asked, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sure. Battle of Sokovia back in 2012.."

- Tessa -

My eyes were focused on the man in front of me, his back turned, and I took my opportunity. His helmet was off, so I grabbed him in a chokehold. "Jesus Tony I thought you'd be better than that."

"Fuck you Tessa."

"I've only known you two minutes and you're as slow as Steve," I laughed, knowing that would get a rise out of him, "hell, with those grey hairs you're starting to look like him too."

"Why you little bitch," he frowned, "you look like an American Doll that was squished in production."

"You look like a less hot version of a Diet Coke can," I retorted, and his jaw dropped.

"You look like you have AIDS."

I couldn't hold back my laugh, and I just let out the loudest one I could bear. I've never heard someone say that to me before. "You look like an orphan."

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