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"Cause time wasn't in our favor, this isn't goodbye this is simply see you later."

- Bucky -

Waking up the next day made my heart hurt. I could barely sleep last night from hearing her screams. Every time I closed my eyes I heard her scream. I heard her in pain. I heard her hurting. And it made me hurt knowing I could do nothing to help her.

I decided not to visit her today, knowing that it would be too much for me to handle, and I would probably break down to the point of no return.

I never understood what it was like when Steve explained the feeling of knowing someone who didn't know you.

I understand now.

Every time she looks at me, I see the childlike innocence of not knowing the world around her. I see the confusion that flicks through her mind every time she sees me. Almost like she knows me, but can't put a finger on where she knows me from. I see how she plays with her nails because she's anxious. And she only does that when meeting new people, which hurts my heart.

I'm doing this for you Tessa.

So I sent Thor, thinking he'd be a fun option. Wanda already briefed him and everything, so Steve met me at the bar. I needed a drink anyway.

- Thor -

Today I see Lady Tessa! I'm actually very excited because they wouldn't let me see her these past few days. I don't understand why, because I know what's going on. It's almost like they don't trust me to keep the secret.

I love secrets.

Loki used to tell me secrets, about playing pranks on Sif, but when father told him to stop, Loki blamed me and stopped telling me secrets.

I miss Loki.

But I still have Tessa! And I can retell her all the stories about our adventures on Asgard!

I got to the hospital at 12:30 pm, three bags of McDonald's in my hands because I know Tessa loves her McFlurrys. And their fries.

I burst into her room, a huge smile on my face as she sat up in her bed, "RISE AND SHINE!"

"Bucky?" She asked, rubbing her eyes, but getting confused as she saw me, "who are you?"

"I'm Thor! Barnes sent me," I smiled, handing her two of the McDonald's bags, "I don't know how much midgardians eat so I brought you two bags. The kind lady at the register said it should be enough."

Tessa laughed as she became confused, "Bucky sent you?" She asked as she opened the McDonald's bag.

"Yeah, said he needed to talk to Rogers or something," I said as I took a bite of my cheeseburger, "so I'm supposed to tell you a story to maybe jog your memory."

"Maybe tell me about yourself first," she giggled, immediately going for the fries and McFlurry I stuffed into one of the bags, happily chewing and sipping at her liking.

"I'm Thor Odinson," I grinned, "God of Thunder."

"Gods are real?!" She exclaimed, and I raised a brow.

"Yes Lady Tessa," I said, "and I control thunder."

"Can you show me?" She asked, and I held my hand out. Summoning Mjölnir. "What are you doing?" She giggled, watching me do my special thing.

"Just takes a moment."

And right as I said it, Mjölnir came crashing through the wall and into my hand. And turning back to Tessa was fucking hilarious. Her eyes were bulging out of her head as she stared at me, her jaw was on the ground.

Ten YearsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя