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"Luckily for you I'm patient, I'm okay if you're making me wait and as long as you're near I'll be here. Even if it takes ten years."

"Even if it takes ten years."

TW: mentions of miscarriage

- Bucky -

I walked through the hospital, fiddling with the ring on my finger, knowing today was going to be much harder since today is our wedding anniversary. I took a deep breath, pushing through the door of her room, hoping that maybe if she saw the ring, she would remember what today was, and even remember who I am.

When I walked in, she was reading the next chapter without me.

"Curious are you?" I asked, and she jumped three feet in the air.

"I'm sorry!" Tessa exclaimed, "I just really wanted the next chapter!"

"What are you on now doll?" I asked, and she checked where she was.

"I'm on the chapter of their anniversary," she smiled, and my heart skipped a beat. Maybe today is the day.

How ironic.

"And are you enjoying it?" I asked, and she nodded her head.

"I am," she giggled, "but can you explain something to me?"

"Sure doll, what's up?"

"Can you explain about the baby?" She asked, and I completely forgot about it. I completely forgot I put our first baby in there.

"Well," I said softly, sitting on the edge of her bed, "Theresa was pregnant."

"I thought you said they didn't-"

"They didn't," I whispered, and she bit her lip as she looked down at her sheets.

"That must be horrible," she whispered, her eyes flicking up to meet mine, "how far along was she?"

"Only a few weeks," I said quietly, "and it was almost like she knew it was going to happen."


"She never talked about it," I admitted, "when she knew something was happening, she wouldn't open up about it, she would shut herself away in a tiny box until after she knew what would happen actually happened and she got over it.

"How did she react?" Tessa asked, "with losing the baby?"

"She went into a deep depression," I replied, "wouldn't come out of her room for weeks."

"And what about Jay?"

"He slept on the couch."

"No," Tessa said softly, "how did he react?"

"Devastated," I admitted, "he was so excited to have the one thing he thought he could never have. And when he lost that, while also losing the love of his life for a few weeks, he didn't know what would happen between them. But thankfully, after begging for her to open up the door, she did. And she explained everything to him."

- Tessa -

I wanted to die.

"Tessa baby please open the door," Bucky said as he juggled the doorknob, "please doll. Open up."

I pushed myself out of our bed, slugging to the door before opening it to see Bucky standing there worriedly.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I collapsed into his arms.

"No no honey don't be sorry," he whispered, "it's not your fault."

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