America's 🍑

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"Luckily for you I'm patient, I'm okay if you're making me wait."

TW: mentions of rape and abuse

- Bucky -

She called me that night. At 1:56 in the morning.

"Hey Tessa," I mumbled, waking up from just falling asleep, "what's up?"

"My nurse is freaking me out," she whispered, "he doesn't know anything about medical stuff. I don't feel safe."

"I'm on my way," I said quietly, "be there in ten okay?"

"Please hurry," she whispered, "I don't know when he's coming back."

"I'm coming darling, don't worry. If you'd like you can stay on the phone with me?" I asked, and she hummed a 'yes'. "Let's talk about something until I get there. What do you want to talk about?"

"Can you tell me a story?" She asked quietly, her voice sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

My poor girl.

"What kind of story Tess?" I asked, and she paused for a moment.

"Tell me what you know about Theresa," she whispered.

"Well," I paused, "Theresa was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Dark hair, light brown eyes. Beautiful smile. I could watch her smile for days and never get sick of it."

"Did she realize you liked her?" She asked.

"No," I replied, taking a sharp right turn, "she didn't. But that didn't matter to me. I loved spending time with her. She would always be so confused, and it was so cute."

"What do you mean confused?"

"She didn't understand the world," I laughed, "always asking me questions about how things worked."

And then I heard mumbling from outside the phone, knowing damn well from how silent she was she was terrified.

"Hey Tessa," I said softly, "I'm just around the corner, can you keep him busy?"

"Why are you here?" She asked, "where's Annie?"

And then I heard her gasp. Fuck this isn't good.

"Who are you?" She asked, and I could hear the fear in her voice, "I know when people lie. Who are you and how do you know who I am?"

"I'm here darling I'm coming now," I said softly as I ran up the stairs of the hospital and sprinted towards her room.

"I don't have a husband, and even if I did it wouldn't be you," Tessa spat as she glared at the man in the corner of the room. Yes it hurt my heart to hear her say she didn't have a husband, but I had bigger things to worry about.

I immediately pointed my gun to the man in the corner of the room, "hands where I can see them."

"Long time no see Barnes," said the man as he stepped out from the shadows. Ethan Greene. Tessa's crazy ex boyfriend.

"Ethan," I frowned, "step away from Tessa."

"Or what are you going to do? Shoot me?" He laughed, "Tessa? You don't remember me?"

"Stop it," I ordered, "stay away from her or I shoot you."

"In front of your girl?" He smirked, "do you really think you'll want to show her your true colors?"

"Bucky?" Tessa asked, and I turned to face her, "I'll close my eyes, and whatever you do I won't see or hear."

"Close your eyes darling," I whispered, and as soon as she closed her eyes and covered her ears, I shot Ethan three times. I decided to tap Tessa's shoulder, turning her away from Ethan's body as she opened her eyes.

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