Happy Birthday to Me

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"You just broke my heart even though you promised you'd never do that from the start, but I guess we can only make it so far."

- Bucky -

I made my way down the hall to Tessa's room, knocking before entering. When I came in, her face lit up seeing me, and she waved excitedly.

"I've been waiting for the next part of the story all day!" She exclaimed, scooting to the edge of her bed, "I need to know what happens next."

"We have to talk first," I laughed as I sat down, wishing I could just give her a big hug, "how are you doing today?"

"My head hurts a little," she sighed, "but I remember a few things now."

I just about passed out.

"What things?" I asked, and she sat there for a second.

"It's really fuzzy, but I know that I was a great baker," she smiled, "that's really it."

"Oh... that sweet," I said with a plastered smile, "but your leg and your shoulder is okay?"

"Yeah it's great," she laughed, "how are you doing Bucky?"

"I'm okay," I whispered, "just happy to see you again."

"Don't lie to me," she laughed, "you do this because you have to." And I shook my head, my eyes sincere as my words wouldn't be able to explain. "Oh... you actually want to do this? Wow... the world deserves more people like you."

"I'm sure there are people way better than me," I said with a small smile, and I felt her tiny hand pat my shoulder.

"Just take the fucking compliment," she smiled, "I'm too tired to argue."

"Then why don't you sleep if you are tired darling?"

"Because I wanna hear the story!" She exclaimed, "I've been waiting all day!"

"Okay okay!" I laughed, "I'll start the story. January 15, 2017. Theresa had just turned 20..."

- Tessa -

I woke up this morning, awaiting a mariachi band sitting outside my door. Just kidding. Nobody ever remembers my fucking birthday. Because Clint's birthday is on the 7th, and he spends the week with his kids before having a party on the 15th every year. Even Wanda fucking forgets.

Maybe this year is different?

Everyone cares more about Clint on my birthday than me, isn't that a great gift? Maybe Wanda will remember this year. I checked the clock, seeing that it read at 9:45, so I knew damn well everyone was up. I walked downstairs in birthday cake pajamas, giving a little hint to anyone who may care in the slightest.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed, seeing everyone on the couch.

"Tessa," Wanda smiled, "Clint is here! Say happy birthday!"

My heart dropped, and I turned to Clint with a plastered smile on my face, "Happy Birthday birdbrain. How old are you this year? 109?"

"Thanks Tessa," he smiled, "turning the big 4-6."

"Wow!" I smirked, "so you're fucking old." And I wanted to add that today I'm 20 fucking years old. I was out of my teen years. Finally. Why could nobody remember?

- flashback to two weeks ago -

"Guys my birthdays coming up," I smiled, "can we do something together?"

"Yeah sure honey," Wanda smiled back, "what do you wanna do?"

"We should go to dinner," Sam explained, and Wanda cut him off.

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