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"And you don't have to hesitate, hopefully it isn't too late."

- Bucky -

I had to sit with Sam while Tessa slept, and he tried getting me to do some stupid shit. He wanted to draw a mustache on her face as she slept, because she was caught 'lacking'.

I don't even get why he's here.

I didn't invite him. Poor Tessa is going to have to deal with Sam. Good that she remembers him though, can't wait to see how she reacts when she sees him.

I had to suffer being in the same room with Samuel fucking Wilson for three hours before Tessa woke up. But she was the one to keep me from killing Sam and throwing him out.

I stared down at Tessa's features, liking how her wounds were healing really nicely, her small cuts fading into her skin, magically disappearing rather than scarring. My thumb lined her fading wounds, a small smile on my face seeing how calm she was.

"You're a good man Bucky," Sam said as he scrolled his phone. I looked up confused, not completely understanding why he hasn't said something insulting yet.

"What?" I asked, and he raised his brows.

"You heard me," Sam said, "I'm not fucking repeating myself."

"I genuinely didn't hear what you said," I sighed, and Sam rolled his eyes.

"I said you're a good man Bucky," he repeated and a smile spread across my face.

"Haha fucker I got you to repeat it!" I whisper-exclaimed, and Sam gave me a frown, "but thank you."

"She really loves you," Sam said quietly, "I remember after you took her out on I think it was your first or second date, she came running to my room since everyone was on a mission to tell me every fucking thing. But she was so excited and happy. So as long as you're making her happy I'm happy."

"Bro we're already married."

"Yeah and almost 50% of all marriages in the US end in divorce," he frowned, "keep her busy."

"What do you think my plan is asshole?" I asked, "she's my wife why the fuck do you think I wouldn't want to keep her busy?"

"I don't know! You're personality just seems bland most of the time!"

"How?!" I exclaimed quietly, anger in my eyes.

"you don't even speak to anyone! You're just the annoying guy with the staring problem."

"And you're the shitty sidekick nobody cares about," I replied, watching him roll his eyes.

"You know how long until she wakes up?"

"I don't know," I mumbled, tucking a hair out of her face as she smiled contently.

"I'll be down in the food court then."

"I hope you never come back," I whispered, and he flipped me off as he left the room. Tessa snuggled into my body, "hi baby, I really need you to remember before Cinderella comes back so then we can leave and he will be left by himself...." and she didn't wake up, still sleeping soundly.

I missed her beautiful self. Although she was sitting in my arms, she still wasn't herself. She didn't have the crack of jokes like she used to, or the gleaming stare she had when she looked at me. The way her smile lit up the room. I miss my wife.

All I wanted to do was kiss her. To kiss her beautiful lips and hold her in my arms like I used to when she remembered me.

She woke up about an hour later, and Sam hadn't come back up (thank god).

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