Chapter 1

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Clarke's POV

Beep beep...

Beep beep...

"Ugh" I groaned pushing my pillow over my head.

First day of school. I was definitely not excited. I couldn't understand people who liked school.

It was hell. A shitload of homework, tests one after the other, awful teachers, immense stress and just about everything you need for a bad mental health.

Beep beep.

Oh shit I'm gonna be late.

I finally managed to get out of bed and got ready for school.


A horn sounded as my mum came up to my room, "Bellamy's here."

"Thanks mum, I gotta go."

"Bye sweetie have a good day at school."

"No one ever has fun at school mum."

She laughed at me and shooed me out of the door.

Weird. My mum was never in a mood that good.

I shrugged it off, I had more important stuff to worry about. Like school.

And Bellamy. Who was currently sitting in the car with sunglasses on looking like he came out of a movie.

"Come on Princess, we don't have all day."

I rolled my eyes and got in the car, sitting in the front seat.

"Hey." I greeted the girl in the backseat.

"Hello!!" Octavia greeted back, way too excited for 8 in the morning. On a school day no less.

But I guess I would be excited too if I were to see my boyfriend. Not that they hadn't been meeting during the summer but what can you say...

Young and in love.

"No hello for me?" Bellamy teased.

"Get over yourself." I rolled my eyes at him again.

"Oh wow rolling your eyes again? So much sass today and for what?"

I turned up the radio pretending to ignore him.

He looked at me with a raised brow.

"Okayy. Buckle up then, school's waiting."


Arriving at school, we saw Murphy and Raven sitting on a bench.

"Look who's finally here"Murphy sassily exclaimed.

"Always a ray of sunshine!" Bellamy replied.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious." I sarcastically added.

"Not that I don't love seeing you guys banter but I got places to be, people to see. Bye."
And with that Octavia was gone.

"She didn't even greet us?" Raven chuckled.

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