Chapter 15

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Clarke's POV

"You know, your idea to try and investigate what Echo does wasn't bad on its own. Of course, it was completely stupid to do it alone, do not forget that. I'm just saying, that could actually lead us to something."

I abruptly sat up from the couch where I was laying while watching a movie with Bellamy.

"Bellamy, did you just suggest we follow Echo around?"

"I didn't exactly say that. But that was what I meant, yes. Though investigate sounds much better than follow."

I could only laugh at how absurd this was. Bellamy who nearly went insane with anger when he heard what I tried to do the first time, was now telling me to go and do it again.

"Stop laughing! I'm serious. We have school again tomorrow, so when we're leaving, we just take a small detour."

"Who are you and what have you done to Bellamy Blake?"

"Oh fine, I'll do it alone then."

"Low blow."

"You're in then?"

"Is that even a question?"


The next day, we did exactly as Bellamy suggested and followed Echo's car leaving school.

"Remember, don't even try to do anything stupid. You hear me?"

"Yes, mother Bellamy."

"Oh shut up. At least try to, I know how hard not making stupid decisions is for you."

"You're not funny."

"I am, actually. You just can't appreciate my fine humour."

"Focus on the road and stop inflating your own ego."

Unfortunately, Echo drove straight home.

"What now? Do we stay here and wait?" I asked.

"At least for a while. Maybe she will leave soon, or maybe someone will come here."

"We'll have to leave before her parents return from work, though. We don't want anyone noticing us and calling the police on us." I pointed out.

Half an hour later, both Bellamy and I were getting very bored. Absolutely nothing was going on. No one had come in. Echo had not left.

"This is pointless. We should get-" Bellamy started to say, but at the same time something happened.

A car stopped right in front of the house.

And from it, out stepped... Mr. David? Raven's dad?

"What the hell?" Bellamy voiced my thoughts.

"It can't be..."

"What other business does he have here then?"

"But we already crossed him off our list!"

"What list?"

Nameless dangerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz