Chapter 20

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Bellamy's POV

Dad had called us to say that our house was fixed and we could move back in. So, Octavia and I had started to pack our things.

I was trying to put my clothes into my bag when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in."

Clarke walked inside and said, "Octavia's already packed. Do you need some help?"

"No,I'm good." I turned my back to her.

"Octavia only finished so fast because she accepted my help, you know, you might as well do the same. Obviously, you can't wait to leave, so why not let me speed it up?" She bit back.

"Don't make me the bad guy here."

"No one has to be the bad guy. I thought we had agreed to stay friends."

"We are friends."

"You've been avoiding me." She pointed out.

"I wasn't sure you would notice."

She looked hurt at that, and I instantly regretted saying it. I didn't have the courage to tell her that though.

"Great friends we are, right?"

When I didn't reply, she sighed and continued talking.

"Can we stop being like this? Maybe we should just call it a truce, like a clean slate."

I didn't like that idea, but it sounded to be for the best.

"So we ignore it ever happened?"

"Yes. We go back to how we were before. Don't you think our friendship deserves that?"

"I guess we could do that. I'm not sure it's going to be easy, but we deserve to try."

"Yes, yes we do. I'm sorry, Bellamy, I really am. But we can get through this."

"I'm sorry too."

"I wish it didn't have to be like this." She whispered, but I wasn't sure what she meant. She was the one to make this decision.

For the sake of our truce, I didn't point it out. This was trying to mend our friendship.

"Come on, then, let me help you. What else have you got left to pack?" She asked.

"Uhm, my shoes are still in the cupboard."

"Great, consider it done."

We worked in silence for a while, until everything was packed and ready.

"Mum's waiting downstairs to say goodbye." Clarke informed me. "I should go help Octavia get her bags down, you're good with that part, yeah?"

"Yeah, I can manage."

She stood at the door, staring at the ground, like she was contemplating whether or not she should say something else. I simply looked at her, waiting to hear what she has to say.

She lifted her head and her eyes caught my own. She opened her mouth to talk, but closed it again. Then, she sighed, turned around, and left.


Octavia's POV

"I hope nothing like this ever happens again, but if it does, know that our door is always open." Abby assured us, and hugged both Bellamy and I goodbye.

Clarke nodded at her mother's words to show that she agreed and hugged me as well.

I saw her stare at Bellamy before deciding to hug him goodbye too, only their hug was awkward and barely lasted a few seconds.

That was definitely weird. Something happened between them, which I didn't know about, and I didn't like that. What was wrong with them?

I decided that was a problem for later. I hadn't seen my dad since he went to a hotel, only talking to him occasionally on the phone, and I had missed him.

We never had the best relationship, but he was my father, and I had never before been away from him for so long.

Dad was already home unpacking his own stuff and waiting for us, so Bellamy and I took our bags and walked home after saying 'thank you' and 'see you soon'.

I took my bag to my room and immediately took off my shoes before anything else. Then, I opened my bag and started unpacking my clothes.

As I was putting them in my closet, I noticed that the frame of my mother's picture on my nightstand was facing down, which was weird.

I went to pick it up and put it back in its place. I dropped it and a scream left my mouth unintentionally when I saw what had become of my picture. The frame was broken, and the picture once inside was torn to shreds.

I frantically tried to put the pieces back together, hoping that the picture would still be visible but it was a lost cause. Then, I noticed another piece of paper inside the frame. A note was left for me by whomever did this.

"You've destroyed everything for me.

"No, no, no..." I started muttering, and tears started falling from my eyes even when I tried to stop them.

"Bellamy?" I screamed, but my voice was shakier than I had anticipated.

"Bellamy!" I yelled again, louder this time, hoping he heard me.

Soon, Bellamy came running into my room, not even bothering to knock my door.

"Octavia? What happened?" He began to ask, but fell silent as I showed him the note in my hands and the ruined picture.

"Oh, Octavia." Were his only words, and he immediately hugged me.

He didn't say anything else until I calmed down and stopped crying. Then he took my hands in his, and said, "You know that's not true. I'll keep saying it until you believe me, it was not your fault."

"Obviously 'A' seems to think differently." I whispered. My voice was hoarse from crying for so long, and my eyes burned.

"That only makes my words truer. If 'A', someone who has stalked and harassed us believed something, it's definitely wrong."

I nodded trying to let his word soothe me.

"There's something else too." I spoke again after a few minutes of silence.

"What is it?"

"For me. The message says for me. Do you know what that means? Mum's death destroyed everything for 'A'. We know only one person who feels like that."

Bellamy's initial reaction was to shake his head, "No, no, dad would never-." But then he reconsidered my assumption. Who else would be so destroyed by Aurora Blake's death other than her own husband?


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