Chapter 16

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Bellamy's POV

After telling everyone about Raven's dad we all decided to find more clues.

Everyone had a job.

Clarke and I had to find more about Raven's dad. Maya, Harper, Octavia and Lincoln had to watch Echo.

Jasper, Monty and Raven had to  try and track the phones from which the messages from A were sent.

Emori and Murphy had to go to the bowling area. Miller and Jackson had to go back to the restaurant where Miller first got his message to find who worked there.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Clarke asked.

"It's not like we can break into his house." I responded.

"We can start the same way I did with Echo, finding his phone."

"How's that going to work? You found Echo's phone on accident."

"Raven can help with that."

"But Raven has a different job for a reason, Clarke. One, she's more qualified for what she's doing. Two, she didn't want to be too involved with her dad's investigation. We can't just involve her anyway."

"Just as a small favour. We'll do everything else ourselves. But she can get us into her house while her father is working. She won't have to do anything else, just give us the keys."

"That could work. Only Mr. David will be working while we have school. Unless you're suggesting we skip..."

"You said it, not me."

I shook my head in amusement.

"We can do it tomorrow then?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." I agreed.


Getting into the house itself was easy enough. The hard part was actually finding burner phones left around, without messing everything up and making him suspicious.

I wasn't very optimistic about it.

"What do we do now?"

"His office seems to be the place he'd hide something like that." Clarke pointed out. "It's where he would have privacy to hide things from Raven."

I nodded my head and we both made out way to his office. Inside, we moved everything we could. We opened every drawer. We found nothing.

I sighed in disappointment, but Clarke was determined.

"Oh, of course he wouldn't hide anything somewhere so obvious. Especially after Raven searched this place. I should have thought of that. We can try somewhere else, let's go to his bedroom."

"Okay, let's do that."

We had to at least try.

Inside the bedroom, we opened cupboards, drawers. We searched under the bed. We looked in the pockets of his clothes. We removed the mattress and put it back. We found nothing, again.

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