Chapter 14

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Clarke's POV

Five days later

Miller, Murphy, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Lincoln, Emori, Monty Jasper, Jackson, Harper and Maya had gathered at my home to have the talk.

I was not ready for that.

"Okay guys. One of you should begin." Emori broke the silence.

"Let's start from the beginning..." I replied. "Right after I heard the news of my father's accident, I received a text by someone who named themselves 'A', insinuating that the accident was their fault. Then, they continued sending me more cryptic texts. Soon, Raven and Octavia were on their recipients list."

"What. The. Fuck." Jasper yelled.

"Is this a joke? Are you joking?" Monty wondered.

"Unfortunately not." Octavia responded.

A few silent seconds followed, before Harper chimed in, "That alone, however enlightening and important, does not explain your midnight accident."

"I was just about to get to that!" I lied. Truth is I was hoping to avoid that part, but maybe it was for the best that I stopped hiding stuff from my friends.

I slowly looked around at everyone who would probably find themselves in danger after this, something that started because of me. Well, not exactly, but I still felt guilty.

I took a deep breath and continued, "I had found one of the phones used to send us messages from 'A', and it belonged to Echo. That night of the accident, I was trying to follow her..."

Bellamy, who was already tense, got angrier. "What? You didn't tell me that? Why would you keep this, again? You told me only half the story when you were supposed to be coming clean, to be honest."

"Don't even start again." Octavia cut him off.

Thanks Octavia. That's not really going to work though...

"Oh no, you don't start. You're not any better, hiding this from your brother and your boyfriend." Bellamy bit back.

I shut my eyes, remembering how Octavia's relationship was affected by our decision to keep it a secret. I felt guilty about that as well.

"Stop this. We're telling the truth now. That's what matters. We didn't tell you before, we should have trusted you, yeah we already had that conversation. Let's not do this again." I felt as if I was making things worse by saying that, but I had to stop the Blakes before they started a fight.

"Um, guys?" Miller interrupted. "Since we're all being honest and sharing secrets... Murphy and I had something to share as well." He looked worryingly at Jackson.

At least the attention wasn't on us any more, but I knew whatever they had to say wouldn't be good.

Everyone started looking from Murphy to Miller, waiting for them to say more.

Murphy said, "We've been getting messages from 'A' too."

"Murphy! We were supposed to bring this up more smoothly." Miller reprimanded him. "Not that I expected anything from you."

"You know that's not my style."

"Can we rewind, please? To the part where you guys got threatening anonymous messages?" Jackson narrowed his eyes.

I did not know Jackson could look so scary.

"Before we all start fighting and shit, can we take it down a notch? So, anyone else who got messages? Time to come clean." Raven stated.

Everyone else shook their heads. Thank God.

"If we want to figure this out, we need to work together. We can keep blaming each other for keeping secrets, or come up with a plan." Lincoln finally spoke up. "This threat has now become all of our business. Whether it should have been like that from the beginning or not, that's how things happened. So, let's work with what we have."

"He's right. Whoever 'A' is, they're not playing around. I mean, look at me. They've proved that they're willing to cross lines." I agreed.

"Let's do this, then. Let's find out the threat and eliminate it." Maya decided. "All of you who have received messages will tell us exactly what the messages were and when they were send. That's how we begin."


Octavia's POV

Later that evening, Bellamy and I were about to return home, but Lincoln stopped us and asked to talk to me. I was anxious about what he would say, but I felt so relieved that the truth was out in the open, that I wasn't even worried about his reaction. Because finally, I would be honest with him. The burden of secrecy was gone, lifted off my shoulder.

"I can't say I understand why you hadn't told me." He began. "I just think you should have trusted me."

"I know, I'm sorry. We just thought it would be safer to keep it between us. I still think that, but it is easier now that you know."

"We're a team, Octavia. That's what a relationship is all about, supporting each other, trusting each other."

I don't think I had actually realised what I had done to our relationship until then, when I had to come face to face with a hurt Lincoln. A Lincoln who wouldn't even come too close to me.

So, I was the one to take a step closer.

"You're right. You deserved to know. I won't hide anything anymore. Will you forgive me?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I do forgive you. It's a little hard to believe that there will not be any more secrets, though."

"I don't blame you for that, but I'll prove to you that we can rebuild the trust between us."

He looked at me again.

"Yeah, we can work with that, I think."

I felt so relieved, I hadn't felt like this since I got the first message from A. I felt like we would actually be alright.


Bellamy's POV

Octavia, Lincoln, and I were the only ones left at Clarke's. Lincoln and Octavia were having the conversation, so I was left face to face with Clarke, again.

The silence was very awkward, and we were both looking anywhere but at each other. I had so much I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to articulate any of them, so I remained silent.

Clarke found the courage to talk first.

"I honestly forgot to mention Echo. I didn't keep that part on purpose."

"So you're saying that you have gotten so used to lying and keeping secrets that not telling me about Echo came naturally to you."

"That's not what I said! Stop jumping to conclusions."

"If you don't tell me things, obviously I'm just going to have to come to guess them."

I was angry, obviously I was. I knew I was being harsh, I didn't care. I just didn't know how to deal with everything that has happened these past few days.

"You're not being fair. I said I'm sorry. What else do I have to do for you to believe me?"

I replied sarcastically, "Maybe just not lie again. That would be a good start." But Clarke took that to heart.

"I won't. Never again, you'll see. Just give me this chance." She promised. "You're my best friend, Bellamy. I only ever tried to protect you. But I realise now I should have told you. I'll never keep a secret from you again."

And that, that was all I have been waiting to hear all along. We were best friends. Clarke and Bellamy. Bellamy and Clarke. We didn't really function without one another. I've known her my entire life, she was part of almost every good memory I have ever had.

Instead of replying, I hugged her. We would be alright.


Nameless dangerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang