Chapter 22

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Octavia's POV

Nothing has ever hurt more than seeing my brother in a hospital bed.

The doctors refused to tell me anything, waiting for his guardian - which means the very same person that is responsible for this condition - to pick up the phone. Of course, dad hadn't answered any of the calls.

After a few hours with no word from him had passed, the doctors agreed to tell me that Bellamy would wake up soon, and despite some pain, would eventually be completely alright.

After hearing the news, I finally felt calm and coherent enough to call our friends. Clarke was the first to arrive, soon joined by Lincoln. Slowly, everyone else came as well.

The doctors weren't happy with us being there, but we were all very persistent.

"Will you tell us how this happened?" Murphy asked after they had all made sure that Bellamy would be fine.

Everyone was restless, and neither Clarke nor I had managed to completely stop the tears from our eyes, but they deserved to know.

Plus, as the doctors informed me, as soon as Bellamy was better and I was calmer the police would want to know what happened.

"About a week ago, a new message was left to me, which led me to suspect our dad." I began the story, trying to smoothen it out.

"Oh, I knew there was something wrong. I should have asked, I shouldn't have let it drop so easily." Clarke let her face drop between her hands.

"Oh cool our dads are colleagues." Raven said sarcastically.

"Let her continue." Lincoln stopped them.

"I told this to Bellamy, and then we decided that we would tell all of you only after we were certain that it was true and not another false lead. We decided that today, well now yesterday I suppose, we would try to search through dad's things since he would be at work and we didn't have school. Bellamy found an email about a meeting at the Woodvale park, so we decided to follow that lead and see where it would get us."

"Please tell me you didn't actually go to a park where 'A' would potentially be alone at night without telling anyone." Miller said, but he already knew the answer.

"That is... exactly what we did."

"Octavia!" Lincoln groaned.

"I know now that it was stupid, but it had to do with dad, neither one of us could think very clearly. Turned out to be a trap. Dad lured us in himself, the email was planted and he knew we would follow. We had thought we would catch another one of his partners in the team but he came alone, and had a single goal in mind. He came with a gun, and he tried to shoot me. I -, I don't even know how Bellamy acted so fast, but he pushed me out of the way. And now, here we are. Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom."

I knew they all had questions, but I couldn't really take them at that moment. More tears fell down my face and I needed to stop talking about what happened.

I heard the bathroom door open, so I turned to see who entered. I wasn't surprised to see that it was Clarke who had followed me.

"I really don't want to talk about it more right now." I told her.

I was glad she had come, but that fact still stood. I couldn't take it.

"That's alright. We don't have to talk to be there for one another."

In my own pain it was almost easy to forget that Clarke had her boyfriend be hurt the same day he became her boyfriend. They weren't a very lucky couple.

"Thank you. You're a great friend, Clarke. Bellamy's lucky to have you."

I hugged her, and we stayed in each other's arms for much longer than usual. We needed it though, both of us.


After an afternoon nap that doctors forced me to take, Clarke informed me that the police had called again to ask when I would be ready for my statement.

The doctors gave the same answer as before: when I felt calmer since I had just witnessed a traumatic event. Thankfully they were very adamant about this, and as long as I didn't leave the hospital the police agreed.

"What are we going to do about the police?" Clarke asked after she told me this.

"I'm not sure. But if we're planning to ever get their help, I can't lie to them now."

"Do we even have enough evidence yet though? Or are they just going to think we're crazy teenagers?"

"If everyone gathers all their messages and we give them all the information we have so far, I think they'll take us seriously.  Even if we don't have enough for them to be able to stop 'A', they will be able to protect us."

"So, to be clear, we show the police the messages. We tell them about incidents such as Murphy's birthday, Miller's worm food, my accident. Then, we give them our evidence, such as Echo's burner phone. Finally, everyone we know is part of team 'A', Echo, Raven's dad, Atom, Bryan, and your own dad. Do you really think they'll believe us? I agree some of these are worth a shot, but can we really tell them about Bryan, when he supposedly had an 'accident' and is now in the hospital, with no ability to confirm our words until he wakes up?"

"I don't know. The police aren't always trust worthy. Not all of them are there because they want to protect citizens, not all of them care. But anyone who does care will believe us. Too many bad things have happened to us, and we have too much evidence."

"I'll let the others know then. Tomorrow, we'll come back and collect everything together. We won't let 'A' get away with this."

"With any luck, we won't let 'A' do anything ever again." I agreed.


The next day, everyone came ready with all their evidence and all their stories of what 'A' has done to them written down to be given to the police. We informed the doctors that I was ready for my witness statement, and they called the officers that had been assigned to our case.

The officers were not ready for everything they heard, they had not expected to learn that a group of friends had been tormented for so long by a group of insane stalkers. But we were in luck, because they were officers that cared.

They wrote down everything we told them, they collected every evidence we gave them, and they assured us that our case would be given higher importance. They also promised us protection. I hadn't felt safe since the first message, but now everything was starting to get better.

Soon, the officers told us, the people we already had evidence on would be put behind bars, and professionals would search for the rest of the team.

They told us not to worry, and let them handle it. Of course, that part was one none of us really listened to. We knew that we would still search for the rest of the members on our own, as a team, just like we had done so far. The only difference was that now, we had the police on our side.


Nameless dangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon